Again, UMM Becomes the Host of the National Fast Boat Contest

Author : Humas | Monday, November 02, 2020 13:52 WIB
The KKCTBN 2019 at UMM. (Photo: UMM Public Relations)

IMPLEMENTATION of the Unmanned Fast Boat Contest (KKCTBN) is one of the important agendas of the National Achievement Center at the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia, in the conditions of this new Covid-19 era. This competition is to support the development of innovation in shipping that involves students and lecturers from related fields of science.

After going through several times, the KKKCTBN 2020 will be held again at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) on 5-7 November 2020. In 2020, 44 universities from all over Indonesia participated in the competition with 46 teams in detail. Category I, there are 49 teamsCategory II, and 82 teams each type of poster in Category III.

Based on the results of the evaluation stage I and stage II, finalists were finally obtained for each category. The final event is held online and offline. Online finals are conducted for Category I (Health Ship Innovation Design) and Category III (Ship Health-announcement Posters). Meanwhile, the offline final was carried out specifically in Category II, namely the Prototype Production and Performance Competition, which includes Autonomous Survace Vehicle (ASV), Electric Remote Control (ERC), and Fuel Engine Remote Control (FERC).

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This offline final stage was attended by 15 selected teams consisting of 8 higher education institutions, with details of 5 ASV Teams, 5 ERC Teams, and 5 FERC Teams. The implementation of the KKCTBN 2020 is an implementation with conditions and situations that require including health protocols according to the conditions of COVID 19.


"Therefore, this big and quality event must be carried out in a disciplined manner and still be of high quality. One of the needs that supports the discipline and quality of organizing this event is the existence of a health protocol and technical guidelines for the competition, which explain in detail all the stages of the competition, with all the provisions, "said the head of the UMM local KKCTBN2020, Zulfatman, M.Eng., Ph.D.

the hope is that with the health protocol and technical guidelines for this competition, said the lecturer in Electronics Engineering, it will help all parties who seem to understand health standards, the stages and procedures of the competition as best as possible, so that the competition can be held safely, fairly and openly.

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Previously, in 2019, UMM managed to dominate the victory by winning 3 titles at once. First, rank 2 in 2 categories at once, namely the ERC and FERC categories. Second, the nomination of the favorite team in the FERC category was won by the UMM I Team, UMM.

At that time, UMM appeared with its best performance. The UMM 2 team in the ERC category got the best achievement with a final score of 120.678. Meanwhile, Team UMM 1 was in the FERC category with a final score of 121,379. Meanwhile, in the ASV category, UMM had to be satisfied in the 14th position with a score of 10.8252. (nain/can)



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