UMM, The Host of Darmasiswa Kemdikbud Monitoring Evaluation

Author : Humas | Wednesday, February 26, 2020 10:39 WIB
The Darmasiswa scholarship students. (Photo: Yasmin)

In order to develop the service quality for foreign students to learn and understand the Indonesian culture and language, Foreign Planning and Cooperation Bureau (BPKLN) Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud RI), collaborating with Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) as the host, organize a Darmasiswa Scholarship Monitoring Evaluation Program, Malang Region, Monday (24/02).

In his remarks, Arif Budi Wurianto M, .Si, as the Head of BIPA UMM admitted that he was very pleased to entertain foreign students who came from six darmasiswa scholarship managers besides UMM, namely Brawijaya University, Malang State Polytechnic, Malang State University, STIE Malang Kucecwera, and IKIP Budi Utomo

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"Darmasiswa scholarship activities are very positive for introducing Indonesian culture and learning Indonesian so that it is better known to foreign countries. Besides other important learning, foreign students also get tolerance learning, because Indonesian culture is very diverse," said Arif.

Sherly Lantang as the Assistant Head of the KNIU Subdivision, FI Section, PKLN Bureau, Ministry of Education and Culture advised that all the complaints of foreign students during the scholarship activities would be re-evaluated. Later, not only education degree, but foreign students were also forged to become ambassadors of Indonesian Language and Culture in his home country.

The Darmasiswa Scholarship Program Cooperation with UMM has been running for 14 years, since it was first held in 2006, with the assistance of the State Budget (APBN). Students who study are entitled to an educational allowance of 2.5 million per month.

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"For the upcoming period, UMM will hold more collaboration, both in the form of foreign and domestic collaboration. For that, we need help and support from the entire academic community in strengthening collaboration relations," explained Mathieu Mergans as Special Staff to the Chancellor for International Relations.

While apologizing for the absence of foreign students from UMM because they were running homestay programs or a one-week Real Work Lecture in Batu, Mathieu hoped that UMM as the host could be a connecting link for foreign students who were undergoing the Darmasiswa scholarship program in Malang. (joh)



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