UMM Prepares Digital Security CoE and Becomes the First Campus Registered at CSIRT BSSN

Author : Humas | Thursday, October 13, 2022 06:14 WIB
Giyanto Awan Sularso when he was present at UMM White Campus. (Photo: Adit Public Relations)

University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is always committed to being a quality campus and providing the best service. This commitment was proven by the registration of UMM's Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) into the National CSIRT at the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN) last Monday (12/10). The arrival of BSSN is also to support the development of the UMM Center of Excellence (CoE), especially in the field of digital security.

Giyanto Awan Sularso, the Director of Social Security for Human Development, expressed his appreciation because UMM CSIRT has been registered in the national CSIRT in BSSN. He described how much UMM cares about cyber security. In addition, the White Campus is also the first college to be nationally listed on the CSIRT.

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"This kind of collaboration will certainly increase cybersecurity research from the government and educational institutions. I believe that UMM has the advantage of human resources. Even with infrastructure that is considered good and very supportive of cyber security. Especially with the CoE program. Of course, we will support the development of this innovation," he said.

Giyanto, his nickname, hopes that this collaboration with UMM can be the first step to attracting other universities. Cyber security in the education sector is very vulnerable, especially strategic data. In addition, he hopes that research from universities can produce better and more capable security technology.

"Hopefully, the existence of a national CSIRT can provide a better cybersecurity ecosystem, especially in the education sector. Alhamdulillah, this good thing has been initiated by UMM," he said.

On the other hand, Syaifuddin, M.Kom, the head of UMM CSIRT, explained that UMM's cyber security was certainly not spared from attacks. Be it an internal or external attack.

"We are also preparing a CoE related to digital security. Moreover, seeing the big opportunities that it can do, such as cases of data theft. This is certainly in line with the rapid development of the cyber and digital world," he explained.

One of UMM's efforts to prevent system leaks is a collaboration between students and institutions. The partnership aims to enable students to provide information regarding system constraints.

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"So, students who collaborate with us will be rewarded for telling us the weaknesses it might miss. In addition, we also share with other campuses to add insight related to system improvement, "he said.

Syaifuddin explained that UMM CSIRT would carry out five steps, two of which have been completed. Namely doing the next-gen firewall and creating a red team and a blue team.

"The next step that CSIRT UMM will implement is to develop a data center that it can utilize. Next is to develop a security analyst and ISO 27001," he concluded. (apg/ros/wil)



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