PMM UMM Develops Creative Agribusiness in Malang

Author : Humas | Tuesday, November 17, 2020 15:16 WIB
PMM UMM Agribusiness Students (Photo:Istimewa)
PANDEMI Covid-19 has not ended yet. This certainly has an impact on the level of food reverse availability. The issue of food security is very important to note.
Agribusiness students of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), namely Abdillah and Ali, who were guided by Field Supervisor (DPL) Ary Bakhtiar and Istis Baroh carried out PMM (Community Service by Students) activities with the theme "Creative Agribusiness". This service program carries the topic of hydroponics for the people of Lowokwaru, Malang City.
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Hydroponics worked using the Deep Flow Technique method with a simple paralon. Plants are sown using rockwool for approximately 7 days and then transferred to the paralon. Plants that can be planted hydroponically include kale, mustard greens, and lettuce.
"Our goal is to carry out hydroponic farming activities during this pandemic as an alternative to support food security from home. We know that currently the land conditions are getting narrower and urban people also have limited land, and the need for consumption is increasing, "said Ary Bakhtiar.
One of the effective activities in an effort to support food security during a pandemic, continued Ary, is hydroponic cultivation. Moreover, the application costs are quite cheap and yields can be obtained with certainty.
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The PMM activity is one of the programs of the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) UMM carried out as one form of implementing the Tri Dharma of higher education.
"Hopefully this activity will be useful for the surrounding community and other urban communities who want to cultivate crops on narrow land," said Alik Anshori as the Head of the UMM KKN Division. (nain / can)


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