The Postgraduate Program holds a Free visiting Professor

Author : Humas | Friday, November 13, 2020 12:58 WIB

DIRECTORATE OF UMM Postgraduate Program again held a professor acceleration program. Not only for internal lecturers at UMM but this time, the acceleration program was intended for lecturers in other universities through free Visiting Professor activities. This activity, which contains mentoring and filling lectures between universities, has received high enthusiasm. Evidenced by the number of participants who reached 57 lecturers from 24 universities, both public and private with doctoral and professor status.

Furthermore, the participants received direct assistance from Prof. Ahsanul In'am online. "We direct the participants on how to make good posters to replace power points in presentations that can later be registered as IPR. Then also fill in expert lectures, make papers for Book Chapters, and make papers for International Seminars in English. From here later, they will have outputs. In the form of book chapters, proceedings, and visiting professor certificates that will later be useful for both ranks and improving the quality of the study program, "said the professor of Mathematics.

Not only that, but Akhsanul In'am also explained that another goal that could be achieved from this program was that later this activity could be used to support the accreditation of 9 standards which were started to be pursued by several studies programs at UMM. As well as an increase in the relationship between universities through the postgraduate program, such as cooperation in improving the quality of lecturers and sending lecturers to study at UMM. Also attending guest lectures, both from UMM as a resource or vice versa.

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"Moreover, during the Covid-19 pandemic like now, everything becomes very easy because it can be online done. So there is no reason that this pandemic is an obstacle," said Akhsanul In'am.

On the other hand, Dr. Esti Ismawati, who is also a participant in the visiting professor program, stated that she was very cheerful to have the opportunity to participate in this Visiting Professor activity. "I and six friends from Widya Dharma Klaten University, who on average have worked over 35 years, hope that this Visiting Professor can bring us closer to the level of Professor," Esti said. He also hopes that this activity can be a blessing, not only for him but also for all the participants who participated in this Visiting Professor activity. (apg/ can)



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