UMM Students Create a Smart System for Forest Fire Detector

Author : Humas | Thursday, January 02, 2020 15:05 WIB


Billy and his team showing the ideas of Integrated Forest Fire Management System. (Photo: Rizki/PR UMM)

According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 2018, the area of forested land in Indonesia reaches 93.5 million hectares. So, besides Brazil, Indonesia is the biggest contributor to the world's oxygen content, which is then often called the lungs of the world. Indonesia is the third largest country in the world with tropical forests. But forest fires, both due to the dry season or illegal land clearing, become an endless problem.

This is what drives a group of UMM Informatics Engineering Study Program students to create a smart system or technology called the Integrated Forest Fire Management System, a tool that utilizes artificial intelligence technology to detect forest fires. "The way this system works is by utilizing the LM35 sensor and the Flame sensor using Artificial Intelligence as data processing," said Billy, Tuesday (2/1) as the group leader.

In Indonesia, the case of forest fires has become a troublesome problem, and has become an international problem. This can also be seen from BNPB data that was updated on 15 September 2019. The recorded forest and land fires in Indonesia reaching 328,722 hectares burned area with 538 hotspots. The innovation that was guided by the lecturer of the Faculty of Engineering Nur Hayatin, S.ST, M.Kom was able to reduce the impact of the fire.

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The sketch form of Integrated Forest Fire Management System. (Photo: Special)

"Forests play an important role for life such as a filters in reducing global warming and the largest oxygen producer in the world. Reflecting on the important role of forests, it is unfortunate if forests in Indonesia keep on declining every year. There are many causes of forest loss in Indonesia, one of which is the problem of forest fires," Billy said while explaining their findings that registered in Constructive Futuristic Student Creativity Program.

Many efforts have been made by the government. Among them are the effectiveness of legal instruments, applying methods of public awareness campaigns, building reservoirs, building watch towers and others. Then when there is a fire extinguishing efforts we need to improve our technology in order to extinguish it, then a blackout operation is carried out, as well as evacuation and rescue. This technological innovation is considered to be able to answer these challenges.

The input obtained from the technology made by Billy Aprilio, Yasril Imam and Ulfah Nur Oktaviana took the form of temperature and flame. When there is a fire, the sensor will detect automatically. Furthermore, the system will give an order to pump water on the point of the fire. "The water is obtained from making natural dew water reservoirs using fog harvesting," said Billy.

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The sprayer will spray water for a certain period of time which will then be rechecked to the ambient temperature. If the high temperature is still detected, the sprayer will be reactivated. "However, if the sensor detects a category of high-level forest fires, the system will automatically send the signal of the fire place to the central computer. So, forest fire will be avoided," said Billy in explaining the working system of the tool.

Furthermore, the results of the Fog Harvesting will be distributed to the water tank as a shelter. "For the power supply, we use solar panels and sunlight as the main power source applied to the water spray pumps. With this smart system, it is expected to minimize the occurrence of larger forest fires," said Billy. They hope this technology can be realized in the near future. (joh)



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