KAS UMM Encourages Increasing Emotional Intelligence

Author : Humas | Tuesday, December 29, 2020 09:34 WIB


Diah Karmiiyati (batik clothes) in her presentation
 (Photo: Istimewa)

After previously successfully holding the online Sunday Fajr Lecture (KAS), the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) holding this weekly agenda again on Sunday (27/12). This time Dr. Hj. Diah Karmiyati M.Si was line up as a speaker. He discussed the importance of emotional intelligence for success.

Diah started her presentation by mentioning several of intelligence that plays a role in a person's success. One of them is the emotional quotient (EQ). The ability possessed by all humans in recognizing and processing their emotions.

If someone can manage their emotions, then, they also tend to be able to recognize the situation around them. This makes him more sensitive and fosters a high sense of empathy. "If this feeling appears, someone will have high motivation to do even better," he said further.

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This lecturer who, also studies positive psychology, also mentioned several characteristics of people with high EQ. It can be seen from his daily behavior and attitude. How did he control himself and adapt to existing conditions? Besides, they are better able to understand, influence, and calm those around them. Diah also revealed that EQ has twice as many roles as the intelligence quotient (IQ).

Furthermore, he also provides the key to increasing EQ in everyday life, namely learning to interact with other people. Even though it sounds trivial, communicating and interacting is not as easy as imagined. He also encouraged youth and students to be involved in organizations or organizations. "The communication that exists in the community will help us recognize and manage emotions," explained Diah.

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In her material, Diah reminded her how EQ has great benefits in life. When a person has a high EQ, the communication he makes will be more precise, Thereby reducing misunderstanding. Research also shows that people with high EQ perform better than others. "That is why (EQ) must be given from an early age through social interactions. Unfortunately, many parents are overprotective, which hinders their children's EQ increase, ”he explained.

Finally, the lecturer who focuses on elderly psychology advised to always improve emotional management skills, especially during a pandemic who doesn't know when it will end. "There are two things that need to be instilled in you, first is receiving then being grateful. If we have done it well, we can certainly be better prepared to face a pandemic situation like today, "concluded Diah at the end of the material. (apg / wil)



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