UMM-FILBA Invites Language Institutions in Indonesia to Review Language Standards

Author : Humas | Wednesday, June 15, 2022 08:21 WIB
National Workshop 1 FILBA in 2022 (Photo: Istimewa)

The University of Muhammadiyah Malang became the first host to implement the FILBA 1 National Workshop in 2022. The workshop initiated by the UMM Language Service Institutions Forum (FILBA) aims to unite all language service institutions throughout Indonesia. Mainly in conducting socialization of language testing, training, and editing of higher education languages. The participants who attended were representatives of language institutions from all universities in Indonesia, which was held from 8 to 12 June 2022.

Opening the plan, Vice Chancellor I of UMM White Campus, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc., welcomed the activities of the national workshop. According to him, this can encourage language institutions to innovate and provide new programs. He hopes that in the future, there will be concrete results that can provide benefits, especially for FILBA members.

"One of the things that can do is by holding an English academic test, both for FILBA members and the general public. He added that this is our effort to encourage them to learn and master international languages," he added.

The Head of UMM Language Center, Dr. Masduki, M.Pd. He said that another goal to be achieved by this workshop was to prepare and perfect a draft standardization or draft document for language training quality. Likewise, with testing and translation through the quality assurance division.

"I appreciate the participation and contribution of the participants. Moreover, they come from various universities in Indonesia. Hopefully, all participants can participate actively and contribute to drafting this standard," said Masduki.

The workshop activities will continue to finalize the existing standardization development process. A similar workshop will also be held in November at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

Interestingly, in this activity, a series of programs and units from UMM had links with language institutions. American Corner, Australian Corner, Confucius Institute China, Learning Center, and Indonesian Language Unit for Foreign Speakers (BIPA). Each corner is arranged in such a way as an exhibition so that the workshop participants can ask questions and find out what programs are available at UMM. That way, there will be potential partnerships that outsiders can forge.

"Especially to support the academic atmosphere in Indonesia. So we provide an opportunity for the corners to be able to expose themselves," said Masduki. (apg/zak/wil)



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