UMM The Only Private Campus Has TKBI License

Author : Humas | Friday, August 20, 2021 09:36 WIB

TAEP event which was held before the pandemic. (Photo: Istimewa)

University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has always done an improvement. Test of Academic English Proficiency (TAEP) is one of English Language Proficiency Test (TKBI) that UMM is the only private university that has the right to organize. This test was granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud) last Wednesday (11/08).

Head of the Language Center, Dr. Masduki, M.Pd., said that the implementation of the test at UMM was intended so that the public did not have to spend a lot of money to take an English test. "In addition to saving costs by using English tests at home, the participants also could reduce their transportation fare," said Masduki.


Furthermore, this English Department lecturer explained several criteria for obtaining a license from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The first is a scoring system to determine test results. Second, there is a system development carried out by UMM. Third, the system has passed the trial phase. Fourth is cooperation with third parties in terms of using the test system. Then finally, there is a team of experts in it.

The advantage of this test is also in the aspect of the speed of score analysis. This can happen because TAEP uses the Rapid Reporting System. This type of test also excels in the speed of giving certificates. It is calculated that it only took one hour for the participants to obtain a digital certificate.

“This digital certificate can also prevent counterfeiting. This happens because a third party can access the authenticity of the certificate and the score on the UMM TAEP page," explained the lecturer who also teaches at the UMM Postgraduate.


At the end of the interview, Masduki felt proud of the achievement of the UMM TAEP test. He also hopes that the TAEP test will continue to develop and get better in the future. "I also want people to no longer underestimate the local TKBI organizers and start using them," concluded Masduki. (shi/wil)



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