UMM Produced Safety Chamber to Reduce the Risk of COVID-19 Infection

Author : Humas | Saturday, March 28, 2020 11:33 WIB
Pengecekan Safety Chamber (FOTO: Rino/Humas)
The managing committee of Indonesian Doctors  (ID) again announced doctors who were victims of the COVID-19 pandemic, Friday (27/3). Through social media, the managing committee expressed its condolences over the death of two doctors. They both weredr. Bartholomeus Bayu Satrio Kukuh Wibowo from IDI West Jakarta Branch and dr. Exsenveny Lalopua, M.Kes., the administrator of the West Java Brach of ID..
Departing from the necessity to maintain the safety of medical personnel from the infection of this deadly virus, the academic community of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) made innovations in the health sector. Recently, the White Campus community, involving students, created a Safety Chamber or a safety booth to support the work of doctors to stay safe.
To be notified, according to the WHO, that virus was contagious from men to other men. The way its contagious were, COVID-19 Virus spread through the droplets of saliva or out of the nose when the infected person was coughing or sneezing. Those droplets landed on the mouth or nose of people who were nearby. The Corona Virus could also contagious between the men who were in touch with one another.

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This shaped-form transparent tool hoped to be able to minimize the infection. “When examining the patients, they usually sneeze or cough. This tool is made to avoid the health worker form the infection when touching and diagnosing the COVID-19 suspected patients,” firmed dr. Thontowi Djauhari, M.Kes., Coordinator of Co-19 Response Team of UMM Public Hospital, Friday (3/27) afternoon.
Its procedures were, the patients entered the patron made from mica material to be notified of the symptoms felt. The health workers who were in charge would be safer because of the separated room from the patients. "This tool is certainly not the only safety standard that we use. We will continue to use self-protection equipment (APD)," he said.
Though it still in the stage of refinement, continued Tantowi, shortly this tool would be equipped with several features to further minimize the chance of contagion. Such as the addition of breathing aids, that the patients still felt comfortable when examined in the safety chamber. Also, it would be minimized from the use of glue to avoid leakage.

Read also: Motodoro SRI UMM Drone Assisted Spraying Disinfectant to Prevent COVID-19

Tantowi continued, this medical innovation tool made by UMM in the middle of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic would be produced massively to assist the COVID-19 patient referral hospital and the health workers. "The maintenance is easy, just clean it with alcohol. Or just use detergent soap. Because detergent is more effective at cleaning," said Thontowi.

In its development, UMM would collaborate with Radar Malang and Malang Raya Citizens Communication Forum (FKWTMR). Previously, this pentahelix collaboration between universities, media and civic organizations began with spraying disinfectants using UMM Motodoro SRI Drones in a number of areas exposed to the Covid-19 pandemic. (adq)



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