UMM Makes Hand Sanitizer, Preventing the Spread of Covid-19

Author : Humas | Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:17 WIB
The process of making a handsinitizer by Pharmacist students of FIKES UMM (Photo: Special)

Preventive measures (prevention) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) against the spread of the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) by mass-producing liquid hand sanitizers. This is done, given the availability of rare in the market.

"In the beginning, this was a dedication activity from the Pharmacy Study Program and Pharmacist for FIKES residents. Then, it turned out that from the leadership there was input to expand coverage to all areas of the campus as a follow up to the circular of the UMM rector," said Raditya Weka Nugraheni, as the person in charge.
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It is targeted that this week the hand sanitizers made by UMM will be installed throughout the campus corridor and distributed in various areas. Following the results of searches in international journals, that the effective composition for the coronavirus is 70% alcohol and added with a moisturizer so that the skin does not dry out.
For technical production, UMM involved students who were taking their final assignments and assistants in the Pharmacy Technology Laboratory. "Through the involvement of students, they are expected to be able to learn firsthand about the process of making hand sanitizer products," Raditya said.
Previously, UMM Rector Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd made a circular concerning Alertness and Prevention of the Covid-19 epidemic and Management of Lectures at UMM, one of which appealed to the entire UMM academic community to create healthy living behaviors and avoid disease.
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Furthermore, in a circular issued March 15 yesterday, specifically for lecture activities, the chancellor appealed to maximize the blended learning platform especially those provided by the university through the page, where lecturer and student data are integrated databases.
Lectures can also be presented in the form of a compilation of material (selected reading) accompanied by an assignment guide, and the material has a link that can be accessed by students via the internet. Finally, optimizing online interactions in various academic activities. (apg)


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