UMM Rector Cup Encourages Creative, Brilliant and Innovative Students

Author : Humas | Monday, September 13, 2021 17:09 WIB
The chief of event, the Rector and WR 3 opened the rector's cup 2021. (Photo: Istimewa)
 Rector Cup 2021 has started. University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) opened this competition on Saturday (11/09) and will be held for one full month. The Rector Cup will provide 60 categories of competitions from 30 Student Activity Units (UKM) and will be attended by thousands of students from ten faculties owned by the White Campus.
The Chief Executive of the Chancellor Cup, Setiya Yunus Saputra, M.Pd, said that students must adapt well, especially in a pandemic situation like this. This year, Rector Cup 2021 has the theme of being creative, shine, and innovative, is very suitable in supporting the holding of the 2021 Chancellor's Cup.
On the same occasion, Dr. Fauzan, M.P.d, as the Chancellor of UMM, expressed the same thing. According to him, this event is an important event to complete the educational journey of the students. The Rector Cup is also considered as an event to identify oneself, especially in the interests and talents that students already have.
Finally, Fauzan hopes that all participants will not only pursue victory. But also trying to reach human values. He explains that winning with civility is nobler than winning without civility. “Losing and winning is an unavoidable reality not only in the Rector's Cup title but also in later life. So, learning to compete is the key to success to face a future that is always dynamic and growing. Hopefully, we can give birth and find a good leader from this event,” he concluded. (shi/wil)


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