Caring for Millennials, UMM held a Spiritual Study

Author : Humas | Monday, December 21, 2020 14:22 WIB
KAS weekly routine online review
 (Photo : Istimewa)

The millennial generation is considered the nation's successor in the next few years. Not surprisingly, many studies have discussed it from various sides. Likewise, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) also the theme is of the millennial generation through the weekly routine study of the Fajr Sunday Lecture (KAS). The online schedule, which took place on Sunday (20/12), the theme is Spiritual Dimensions of Millennial Generation by presenting Dr. Faridi, M.Si.

Faridi opened the material by explaining that Islamic teachings appreciate the millennial generation, generally the youth. He quoted a saying that says syubbanul yaum rijalul ghod, now tomorrow's youth people are leaders.

Not to forget, Faridi also mentioned that research shows that the number of youth in Indonesia reaches 87% of the total population. A large number compared to other countries, especially Muslim-majority countries. "This makes us aware that the millennial generation is a great and valuable asset for Indonesia to build its future," he explained further.


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The lecturer who is also the head of the UMM Center for Islamic Studies and Philosophy (PSIF) also touched on the relationship between millennials and gadgets. Now gadgets have become an integral part of everyday life. This makes it difficult for millennials to escape from social media and also their cellphones.

"Technology is like a knife, dangerous if used by criminals. But it will be very useful if it is in the hands of the cook, ”said Faridi in his presentation.

Even so, he hopes that the millennial generation can use technology properly and correctly. Moreover, research shows that around 67% of young people use gadgets as an escape when under pressure and stress. "This is where spiritual values ​​come into play. Fulfillment the void, trying to present God via cell phone. God is not only present in mosques, temples, or churches, right? " he asked the study participants.

In his description, Faridi also explained the importance of balance, especially between the world and the hereafter. Islamic teachings teach that a great person someone who always cares for the world and the afterlife, searching for the world to achieve eternal happiness, which is life after death.

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The lecturer who was the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) UMM is also one of the core values of spirituality, namely morals. "If we apply good morals to anyone and anything, then, in essence, we have interpreted the very profound value of spirituality," explained Faridi.

In the final session, Faridi again quoted a statement by the minister in Bill Clinton's cabinet, which stated that the standard of state wealth in the present and future era is not based on the many natural resources owned, but regardless of the quality and quantity of human resources. "Therefore, the millennial generation must be able to make the best use of all technologies. Maximizing gadgets to finally provide progress in the future, "he concluded at the end of the material. (wil)



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