UMM KaCa Car Entertain the PSPA Bima Sakti Batu Children

Author : Humas | Friday, February 14, 2020 12:46 WIB

The UMM KaCa Car Team joining the Tetirah program in Child Sanitarium Social Services (PSPA) Bima Sakti. (Photo: Rizky/PR UMM)

The spirit of spreading literacy was again carried out by the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Thursday Reading (KaCa) car team, Thursday (12/2). This time, the KaCa car team visited students from SDN 1 Wonocoyo Trenggalek, SDN 1 Tenggarang and SDN Kajar 1 Bondowoso. They are currently undergoing Tetirah program in the Bima Sakti Child Sanitarium Social Services (PSPA), Batu City.

The presence of KaCa Car was not only introduces literacy but also interspersed with various activities. As Johan Achmad with the 5th grade students did, they did the Fun English activities such as Ice Breaking, Jump and Sit, explaining their ideals and work in English, Games Who Am I, and Animals Whispering Games.

Likewise, Nurul Hamidah held outbound activities with the 4th and 5th grades students. Such as Poultry Dance, Rubberband Relay Games, introducing Arabic Language and guessing Arabic vocabulary. This outdoor activity is to develop students' enthusiasm, cohesiveness and teamwork, memory, focus and students response.

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"Happy (with this activity). Because not only studying and reading, but there is also games to play. You can read comics too," said Galang as one of the students in the tetirah from SDN 1 Wonocoyo, Trenggalek district.

While the 2th - 4th grade students learn about journalistic reportage, learn to write questions, interviews, and compose words from the results of the interview. "With the KaCa car, they can get additional new skills that they have never learned. They can also get various inspirations from the reading sources they find in the books of the KaCa Car," said Maharina Novia Zahro as the coordinator of KaCa Mobil UMM.

"It is expectedthat through this tetirah, children will be obedient, increase their discipline and responsibility. Namely by inculcating good habits to children such as ironing, washing, making beds in order to change their attitudes and behavior," said Warsiyah as one of the functional social worker and also the children's adviser.

In addition, Warsiyah explained, the presence of the KaCa Car UMM added educational activities, such as social guidance, mental guidance which included planting social norms and religious norms, concentration training, and mentors adjusting to the problems that existed in children who had been programmed before. (joh)



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