Maharesigana UMM Won the Chosen Citizen Hero Award

Author : Humas | Friday, October 01, 2021 13:06 WIB
Maharesigana won the Chosen Citizen Hero award. (Photo: Istimewa)
Student Volunteer Disaster Preparedness (Maharesigana) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has been active for six years. In this sixth year, Maharesigana has successfully won the Chosen Citizen Hero award from the collaboration event and Grabid. Represented by Rindya Fery Indrawan, the award was announced on Sunday (26/09) online through the channel.
Fery said that the requirement to enter the competition was to send photos of volunteer activities. There are more than 300 people and organizations that have submitted their best pictures. Then 25 contestants were selected to enter and compete in the final round. In that round, the participants had to face the curation stage through the interview process.
"After going through an interview session regarding the authenticity of the photo data and its background, 17 participants were selected who will occupy the three winning categories. Alhamdulillah, Maharesigana UMM was chosen as the Hero of the Chosen Citizens in the driving category," said Fery
Maharesigana's publication team sent photos of volunteer activities carried out over the past year. One of the publications was when distributing hand sanitizers and face shields in several hospitals (RS) and residents around UMM.
"Other activities that we sent were when the Maharesigana team assisted in the process of curing the bodies of Covid-19 and also during the procurement of the Maharesigana Cares for Education (MPP) program. This MPP program is an education and health assistance targeting remote areas after the disaster in several parts of Indonesia," said Fery.
In addition to helping with handling the pandemic in Indonesia, currently, the UMM student is focusing on natural disaster education and assisting when disasters occur. In addition, it also provides psychosocial support after the occurrence of natural disasters. Fery hopes that in the future, the Maharesigana team will be able to spread the benefits in various areas, not only in Malang.
"In addition, I want Maharesigana to be well received by the community so that he can carry out humanitarian actions or disaster responses properly. I also hope that Maharesigana UMM can cooperate with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) companies in Indonesia so that they can help more people," he concluded. (shi/wil)


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