Being a Rector again, Fauzan: UMM Had to Continue Providing Benefits

Author : Humas | Monday, February 10, 2020 10:07 WIB
Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd., (left) when he was asked to take an oath of office by the Muhammadiyah Central Board of Education and Training. (Photo: Rino / PR)

Dr. H. Fauzan, M.Pd. re-elected as Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Fauzan was officially declared to carry out the duty as UMM Rector for the period 2020-2024, after being inaugurated by the Vice Chair of the Higher Education Research and Development (Diktilitbang) Muhammadiyah Central Board (PP), Prof. Dr. Chairil Anwar in the Auditorium of BAU Campus III UMM, Saturday (8/2) night.

The inauguration was also attended by the Chairman of the Central Leadership (PP) Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. H. Haedar Nashir, MSi, chairman of UMM Daily Board of Trustees (BPH) Prof. Dr. H. A. Malik Fadjar, M.Sc., and invited guests, including leaders of State and Private Universities, leaders of Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM), leaders of Muhammadiyah and autonomous organizations, lecturers, employees, and student activists.

In his speech Fauzan said, UMM carried the ideals and determination set forth in the motto, "UMM, from Muhammadiyah for the Nation". This motto contained a deep spirit of humanity, which was extracted from the great ideals of KH. Ahmad Dahlan in establishing the Muhammadiyah organization. "As one of the business charities, UMM must be able to provide benefits to the people and the nation," he said.

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The dynamics of global life now and in the future, continued Fauzan, would continue to give birth to various challenges. The challenge was a necessity that everyone had to face and solve. Therefore, there was no other choice except to build quality and broad synergy from all Societies, without distinguishing between race, religion, ethnicity, and class.

In this context, reiterated by Fauzan, UMM as an educational institution had long realized its role was not only to carry out academic missions but also to carry out community and national mission. "Only in this way, we believe that a superior and civilized generation of people will be created, which always upheld human values ​​through this campus," stressed Fauzan.

In his second period of leadership, Fauzan claimed that he would continue efforts to make the university that he leads had a more instrumental role in the change and dynamics of society. "I still have to work hard. Higher education, especially UMM, may not be an object of change but it must be an actor of change who plays a major role in the dynamics of society, publicity, and nationality, "he said.

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He also set a number of achievement targets in the second period. One of the achievements he wanted to achieve was the pursuit of international recognition. His efforts would be presented by increasing achievements and cooperation at the international level. Efforts to strengthen output from UMM also became a target. "We want to improve the quality of our students' human resources. The atmosphere is to produce high-quality alumni, "he said.

It was said by the Chairman of BPH UMM, Prof. Dr. H. A. Malik Fadjar, M.Sc., that the inauguration of the second term UMM Rector was indeed rather special. This momentum was in the context of building communication, building a national atmosphere. "This nation, of course, needs to be constantly strengthened together and at the same time underline the motto that is always stated," From Muhammadiyah to the Nation," Malik said.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Prof. Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Si, who also attended the inauguration, in his remarks stated congratulation to carry out the mandate for Fauzan. "We believe, with the experience of the past four years Mr. Fauzan will be able to bring the University into a driving force, and a centre of excellence," said Haedar. (win)



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