Discussing An Election Topic, A Team of UMM Won A National Debate Competition

Author : Humas | Thursday, December 29, 2022 06:51 WIB
UMM students who won 3rd place in the 2022 Formation Fair Law National Constitutional Debate. (Photo: Istimewa)

University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) students made another proud achievement. This time it was the Law Faculty team's turn to bring home 3rd place in the 2022 Formation Fair Law National Constitutional Debate event early this December. The group, consisting of Ibnu Khairudin Weul Artafella, Puji Rahayu, and Yogi Syahputra Al Idrus, competed with well-known universities throughout Indonesia at the University of Mataram
Ibnu Khairudin said the concept of the debate this time raised the theme "Elevation of Pilkada Law through the Re-actualization of Constitutional Values." In particular, this competition presents the urgency of holding honest and fair elections, election laws and regulations, and the apparatus tasked with enforcing them. Moreover, next year will be the moment of Indonesia's democratic party. Apart from that, it is also a way of overcoming election law enforcement issues through laws and regulations, which must be completed, clarified, and emphasized

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The selection process for the 2022 Law Fair Formation debate competition was opened with an online preliminary round by sending an introductory video from each delegation. In total, dozens of competition videos from students from various university institutions, both State University and Private Universities. In the next stage, teams that qualify for the top 8 must compete offline at the University of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara

Ibnu, as he is called, said that there were four teams that would eventually advance to the semifinals and fight for first, second, and third place. "The main provision is the capital of understanding analytical thinking. Alhamdulillah, we participated in this national-level debate competition ten times and won seven times. Starting from 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, and best speaker twice," he said

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Furthermore, Ibnu said that support from UMM is important in their victory. Whether it's guidance for financing. The UMM Faculty of Law continues to guide the team to be more mature in preparation for smooth competition at various levels.

“Of course, we invite students and other youth to continue to try to develop intellectual understanding intensively. Whether it's by joining LSI or a series of organizations that have been provided by UMM or externally," he hoped (tar/wil)



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