FAI UMM Strengthen the Synergy of Muhammadiyah Islamic Religious Colleges in East Java

Author : Humas | Friday, February 07, 2020 14:39 WIB
The gathering was held in the Kapal Garden Hotel Meeting Room. (Photo: Special)

Right on Friday 7 February 2020, the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) of the Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM), held an Islamic Religious College Workshop in Muhammadiyah (PTKIM) circles in East Java. The workshop which was led by FAI UMM took the theme "Strengthening PTKIM Towards Advanced Universities."

According to Dr. Fauzan, as UMM Rector who opened the event also stated, it was time for PTM to be the subject of change and not an object. Therefore, it's time to fight in the arena; the dynamics of higher education that are constantly changing. Furthermore, Fauzan said that this consolidation was important to be used to organize the intentions, determination and spirit of PTKIM in order to become the leader in innovation and achievement.

The key speaker, Prof. Dr. HA. Malik Fadjar stressed that in order to bring PTKIM as the leader, it requires courage and solidity. "In organizing PTKIM, we must have the courage to be inclusive and abandon sectarianism," he said.

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Prof. Malik observed that, historically, most of the births of Muhammadiyah Universities (PTM) originated from FAI. This was agreed by Prof. Achmad Jainuri. In fact, most of the leading universities in the world, also originated from religious study programs (divinity schools).

Unfortunately in the development, the management in Indonesia is not as professional as other faculties. "Therefore, it must be managed much better. FAI is the first. FAI is the glue so that we are all solid," Prof. Malik said.

Actually, life's challenges are so hard lately. The social, political and economic dynamics in the technological era 4.0 must also be responded and driven by FAI. Prof. Malik stated that FAI is an asset. "An important asset to seek enlightenment of the people, humanity and civilization," he said.

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In order to welcome all the challenges, Prof. Tobroni, as the Dean of UMM FAI explained that FAI would face accreditation with nine standards. This standard emphasizes student outcomes and achievements.

According to Tobroni, if FAI is able to graduate students who are smart, intelligent, productive, have work that colors the academic arena, ready to work, then the FAI institution is considered to be in accordance with the standards. "This is added with Tri-Pasti: definitely noble, definitely graduated and definitely useful (work)," he added.

In order to achieve this, FAI UMM and PTKIM emphasized the importance of the publication of scientific works, not only for lecturers, but also students. "This is certainly in line with the policies of the Minister Nadhim Makarim," said Prof. Tobroni. (joh)



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