E-Rice Detector: Rice Disease Detector Application Created by UMM Students

Author : Humas | Tuesday, August 31, 2021 09:54 WIB
Ulfah with one of the farmers who use the E-Rice application. (Photo: Istimewah)

Disease in rice is a scourge for farmers. This factor often causes crop failure and has a real impact on their losses. Seeing these problems, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) student team took the initiative to provide solutions. Namely through the E-Rice Detector, a disease scanner application in rice.

Ulfah Nur Oktaviana, as the team leader, explained that this application could detect and classify diseases in rice. Supported by an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based Deep Learning system, this application will make it easier for farmers to detect conditions that affect rice. "E-Rice Detector is equipped with an AI System with Deep Learning method. That way, farmers can detect diseases so that they will help prevent crop failures," she added.

Ulfah, her nickname, explained that the E-Rice Detector has four excellent features. First, Scan for Rice Diseases is the main feature provided. Later, users only need to take pictures of rice leaves and select the check button. Then the results, classification, and disease detection will appear. This scan has an accuracy of 97%.

The next feature is Automatic Messages, a ChatBot that provides rice diseases, fertilizer sellers, and rice prices per district. Furthermore, a Disease List feature provides a list and information of rice diseases in each sub-district. In addition, there is also a News feature that presents the latest news and information from agricultural experts.

"This e-rice is not only used for disease detection. Moreover, we will also assist with information and news regarding agriculture," she continued.

This UMM Informatics student said that to finalize the E-Rice Detector, her team had conducted a User Acceptance Test (UAT), namely the application trial stage. The E-Rice Detector application has been tested in four districts. Starting from Gresik, Tulungagung, Lamongan, to Nganjuk. According to Ulfah, the community response was happy and felt helped by the E-Rice Detector. "In addition, we have also carried out BlackBox trials to ensure all features work as intended," she said.

In its development, Ulfah is not alone. She was accompanied by Tiara Intana Sari, Naufaldi Izad Firmana, and Ricky Hendrawan from the Informatics department. There is also Alfian Dwi Khoirul Annas, a UMM Agrotechnology student. The E-Rice Detector project has been submitted through the Student Creativity Program-Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC) and has succeeded in obtaining funding. The design process took three months and is now ready to be registered on the Play Store next week. The team's success in creating their own application could not be separated from Galih Wasis Wicaksono, S.kom's guidance. M.Cs., as the guiding lecturer.

Finally, Ulfah and her friends hope that this application can solve agricultural losses due to disease. In addition, it can be a new step for the industrial revolution in the agricultural world. According to him, technological developments should be used to help agriculture and facilitate information from the government to farmers. (apg/haq/wil)



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