DIMPA UMM Raises a Giant Flag on Pujon Hill

Author : Humas | Thursday, August 18, 2022 09:14 WIB
DIMPA UMM waves the red and white flag in the Pujon Hill area of UMM. (Photo: Istimewah)

An interesting thing was done by the Nature Lovers Student Division (DIMPA) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) to commemorate the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia (RI). DIMPA Teams raised the red and white flag in the Pujon Hill area of ​​UMM, to be precise, on one of the cliffs. Uniquely, the flag is a giant size, 22 meters x 9 meters.

The series of agendas start from entering together through the front entrance. Then line up for the flag ceremony. Those lined up to be the supervisors of the ceremony were the DIMPAStudent Activity Unit (UKM) Trustees, Tatag Mutaqin, S.Hut., M.Sc.

In his address, he said that the sense of unity and unity was the essential aspect. Serious efforts are needed to cultivate it in the hearts of the younger generation. That way, humans will emerge who are not only superior but also love their homeland.

"The implementation of this ceremony shows that young friends have high enthusiasm to continue the heroes' struggle. However, the ceremonial procession is not enough. We must immediately equip ourselves with various capabilities to develop the country in various sectors," he added.

Regarding raising the giant flag, he said that this was the first time the red and white flag was flown at Pujon Hill UMM. It also marked the spirit of the UMM academic community, especially DIMPA, to love the environment more.

On the other hand, the head of DIMPA 2022, Jefa Ananda Rizki, hopes the giant flag can encourage students to work on coloring the independence achieved 77 years ago. One of them is participating in various activities, competitions, organizations, and efforts to spread goodness and benefits, especially for the people around Pujon Hill.

According to him, as the younger generation, we should be the pioneers in building change towards a better Indonesia. Many doors can be tried and developed. Rizki considers that all success depends on how you work yourself and maximize opportunities.

The participants of the ceremony enthusiastically welcomed this event. Not only members of DIMPA 2022 but also seniors and alumni who participated in the celebration. Two are Imam Teguh Santoso, who served as chairman of DIMPA from 1992-1993, and Satriyo Joko Mono, who served as chairman from 1991-1992.(cdr/wil)



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