This is UMM's Explanation of Mathematics in the Independent Curriculum

Author : Humas | Friday, January 26, 2024 04:16 WIB
Illustration of Learning Mathematics in the Independent Curriculum (Photo: Devi Humas)

Several days ago, a video went viral showing a father struggling to teach mathematics to his child using the concept of the independent curriculum. Is it true that children's mathematical abilities are declining?

Considering this phenomenon, Reni Dwi Susanti, M.Pd., a lecturer in the Mathematics Education Study Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), explained the concept of independence used in the current curriculum in Indonesia. In the independent mathematics curriculum, students are given the freedom to discover patterns, formulate hypotheses, and develop their own problem-solving strategies. In this independent curriculum, students become the main subjects of learning, while teachers play the role of facilitators and guides in the students' learning process.

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"They are taught to think creatively and logically and see mathematics as a process of exploration and experimentation. Not just as a collection of formulas to be memorized," explained Reni.

This approach aims to produce students with a strong understanding of mathematics and the ability to apply it in various everyday life situations. Thus, students can become independent and critical individuals in solving mathematical and non-mathematical problems.

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Due to this change, some students may find adapting to a different learning method challenging. Meanwhile, teachers may also face challenges in designing and implementing the independent curriculum effectively.

"The lack of qualified and experienced teachers is also a problem, which can affect students' understanding of mathematics," she said.

Parents may also feel confused because they do not know how to support their children in learning using this new method. As we know, not all schools provide complete facilities, and not all parents have extra resources to provide educational facilities for their children, such as technology.

Therefore, for this concept to work well and effectively, Reni hopes that teachers can change their mindset to become more innovative in their teaching approach. Teachers or educational managers are also expected to design and implement adequate evaluation systems to measure students' achievements following the curriculum.

"This independent curriculum emphasizes skill-based and project-based assessment. So, this might be challenging for teachers or educational managers," she concluded. (*dev/wil/fajr)



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