Animal Husbandry Study Program Collaborates with Women's Groups to Increase Chicken Productivity

Author : Humas | Friday, November 27, 2020 13:48 WIB

Free-range chicken/ayam kampung is a local chicken in Indonesia whose life is closely related to the community. Free-range chicken is also known as native chicken or vegetable chicken. However, there is a type of super chicken (KAMPUS) which is the result of a cross between a male native chicken and a laying hen. This cross produces super native chickens that have faster growth than ordinary native chickens.

Based on the results of field observations of the Animal Husbandry Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) service group, the existing problem is that,the use of the potential type of crossing chicken who will produce super native chickens withpotential superior from the two parentsis still nothing, for example the crossing of male Bangkok chickens with laying hens. The results of this cross can produce chicken seeds with fast growth quality similar to native chickens at higher prices and disease resistance.

On the other hand, according to the dedication group chaired by Prof. Wahyu Widodo as an animal feed expert, many women's organizations that still need to be empowered, including members of Aisyiyah Branch of Dau, Malang Regency, especially in the field of animal husbandry. Therefore the problem of partners is the lack of innovation to find alternative empowerment for the Dau Branch of Aisyiyah organization in the field of animal husbandry, especially the optimization of the provision of kencur to super native chickens.

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"The main target is expected to be the mass availability of free native chickens. This is because the high level of productivity has become a medium for Aisyiyah's members to market it quickly, cheaply, easily and with high yields. So, in our opinion, it is necessary to provide knowledge and skills in providing fess additive kencur to super native chickens for Aisyiyah members, "said Wahyu Widodo.

This service program was also assisted by Dr. Trisakti Handayani who is competent in empowering women and Dr. Adi Sutanto, an expert in the field of livestock agribusiness. Activities carried out in addition to counseling and mentoring were also the handover of 80 native native chickens to Aisyiyah's members. With details of 40 heads for the Sumberskar branch and 40 for the Merjosari branch.

"The hope is, with the handover of this super native chicken, it can be a bridge to build awareness of the provision of more sophisticated super native chicken herbs that can build breeders' development in a better direction. It is also hoped that at the next level there will be changes in construction for breeders who prioritize welfare, "said Wahyu Widodo.

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This activity is an activity funded by the UMM service program. The optimization of its implementation involves students participating in the Student Community Service (PMM) program as well as students involved in research. Meanwhile, the chickens that were distributed where the chickens that originally raised from the UMM University Farm for two months.

Women representatives of the Dau Branch of the Aisiyah women's group who were appointed to raise chickens were asked to agree. One of the agreements is, the chickens must be raised until they are adults. If the chicken is a female, the breeder is obliged to choose the hen as the breed for sustainable chicken development.

"So that later Dau can be expected to become the center of super native chicken breeding in Malang Regency. Meanwhile, most of the male chickens can be sold, leaving a few to become males, "said Wahyu Widodo. (nain / can)



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