Performing Bergama Tari, UMM Students Win and Introduce Indonesian Culture to Foreign Countries

Author : Humas | Thursday, December 21, 2023 09:03 WIB
UMM students won the Year-End Party, AU's Got Talent at Asia University, Taiwan (Photo: Special).

The Faculty of Psychology of the International Class of 2021 students from the University of Malang (UMM) introduced Indonesian culture to the international scene and achieved achievements. They are Audilia Safira Narullita, Silvyna Amalia Hidayati, Aida Fithri, and Aisha Hari Mulyani Putri, as the winners at the Year-End Party, AU's Got Talent at Asia University, Taiwan. The competition was held on December 15, and they won second place by surpassing the other teams from Mongolia, India, Taiwan, Vietnam, Eswatini, and others.

They also perform various typical Indonesian cultural dances such as sajojo, manuk dadali, siksik, ampar-ampar pisang, cublak cublak suweng, rasa sayang, saman, kecak, and bubuy bulan. Audilia Safira Narullita, one of the UMM students, explained that the reason to present these various dances is to show the world that Indonesian culture is very diverse.

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"Indonesia is a vast country with diverse ethnicities and cultures. Our team and I deliberately added a variety of dances from various regions in Indonesia. Thus, more and more international people will know about Indonesia," she said.

Lia, as she is familiarly called, admitted that her team practised for one month from Monday to Friday. The various indicators of the judges' assessment are cohesiveness, uniqueness, appearance, and the outfit worn. She said she was delighted with the results achieved in the championship and proud to be able to introduce Indonesian culture at the international level.

In addition, Lia and her friends are students who take part in the International Credit Transfer program. The program, held at Asia University, Taiwan, is compulsory at the Faculty of Psychology, UMM International class.

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Finally, she told her fellow UMM students to dare to develop their interests and talents with all the opportunities they had. Especially in introducing Indonesian culture to the international community, considering that Indonesia has a lot of physical and non-physical heritage. 

"Find as much as possible since many things await us with all their uniqueness. Be brave enough to explore various things, as we will never know until we try them. Enjoy and face it, but do not forget to be proud of Indonesia's cultural heritage," she concluded. (faq/wil/put)



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