Solah, The 'Harry Potter' of Us Who Becomes the Awardee of Various International Student Exchange Programs

Author : Humas | Wednesday, December 14, 2022 06:47 WIB
M. Solahudin Al-Ayubi, our student who receive four overseas scholarships. (Photo: Yafi PR of UMM)

At its moment, Harry Potter is a movie that was ever booming. With many series, Potterhead, the fans of Harry Potter, are attracted to the film details. One of the fans motivated due to the movie is M. Solahudin Al-Ayubi, the best graduate of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang in Period IV.

Solah, his nickname since childhood, dreams of flying to the United Kingdom. He became interested in the Harry Potter cast's accent and pronunciation. Solah even struggled to look for scholarships that could enable him to study at Oxford University when his graduation from Islamic boarding school got closer. 

"Of course, I felt difficult to obtain scholarships for a bachelor's degree there. I eventually could not continue my dreams. However, alhamdulillah, studying at UMM turns out that open many paths for me to explore many countries. It is because of the effort of UMM to facilitate students through the programs initiated by the International Relations Office. Finally, I can go to Singapore, the United Kingdom, and Taiwan. I also had a chance to wear Harry Potter attributes and costumes, to visit iconic places, and to meet fellow Potterheads," he said.

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When studying at UMM, Solah, in total, has participated in four student exchange programs. Firstly, in 2019, he followed the Temasek Foundation Specialists' Community Action and Leadership Exchange (TF-SCALE) program. Next, he received the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program in 2020 to Portugal.

"In Portugal, I studied for one semester in Political Science and International Relations. Then in 2021, I joined the IISMA Program at the University of Glasgow, and last, before I graduated, in 2022, I participated in the Transfer Credit program at Asia University, Taiwan," Solah uttered.

He perceives that UMM has brought a massive role for him to earn scholarships. Primarily, since the White Campus has cooperated with many overseas institutions, so its students can immerse themselves in studying at various campuses. In his view, the program Erasmus+ is a privilege program because only several campuses collaborate with the party, and UMM is one of the collaborating universities. 

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"Several tips to earn scholarships are looking important information related to it as much as possible. I think the International Relations Office is the credible institution of UMM that can give much information. Next, preparation related to motivation to gain scholarships is also necessary and lastly, we have to recognise our role as the young generation, to dream and contribute," he asserted.

Besides being active in participating in overseas scholarships, Solah is also fond of joining volunteering activities. When he was in the third semester, he established a community called Language Community, which aims to spread information about education.

"This community has given scholarships to 20 young people in Indonesia to get overseas program assistance and language course. In total, we have learned ten languages. We attempt foreign languages to be learnt by young people, so it can be one of the keys for them to be a global citizen," Solah ended. (imh/ros/wil)



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