Roadshow of 1000 Digital Startups at UMM Targets One Million Startups

Author : Humas | Thursday, September 01, 2022 01:41 WIB
UMM Chancellor (right) attended the 1000 Digital Startup roadshow event at UMM.

Indonesia has great potential to improve its economic aspect. One of them can be seen through the large market and the high level of public consumption. Digital Startup Coordinator of the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (Kominfo RI) Sonny Hendra Sudaryana said it must use this potential as much as possible. Including through the development of startups that can help the community in various aspects. Currently, there are 2,346 startups created by the nation's children in Indonesia. He conveyed this at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) at the end of last August.

Seeing this potential, he is sure that many new startups will emerge that can boost the country's economy. So, the 1000 Digital Startup Indonesia program attended and conducted roadshows in all provinces by providing material on how to start a startup. It also presented some reliable presenters to give the best presentation and encourage participants to create their startups and increase the number of startups in Indonesia.

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"Of course, we hope that the number of startups in Indonesia will increase and exceed India, which is currently the highest country in Asia. So far, Indonesia is still the highest in Southeast Asia," he said at the 1000 startup roadshow of UMM.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UMM, Dr. Fauzan, S.Pd., M.Pd., welcomes this 1000 startup program. According to him, this program is in line with the Center of Excellence (CoE), developed and ran by UMM White Campus. After graduation, students are encouraged to become entrepreneurs and provide jobs for the community. Besides that, it can also reach a broader market.

Fauzan also believes that currently, there is a need for studies and learning that focus on studying technology and information from an early age. So that it can achieve the target of 1000 startups every year, he hopes not only a thousand but to give birth to one million startups from the nation's children.

"I hope not only a thousand but a million startups must be born. That way, this aspect can be the spearhead of moving the Indonesian economy in the future," he added.

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On the other hand, Sausan Putri, Manager of 1000 Startup Indonesia Relations 9 East Java, said this program has a target of giving birth to 40 startups. I am starting from the prototype to ready to be marketed. Interestingly, this program also has a mentoring process in the form of incubation classes, feedback sessions, face-to-face mentoring, acceleration (Startup Studio), to startup completions. The implementation of mentoring is not only done once but is carried out regularly.

"I believe this program can develop the creativity of the nation's children in the digital world. At the same time, he is helping the economy of the people in Indonesia. Let's unite diversity and turn it into strength through digital technology," he said. (Apg/Haq/Wil)



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