The 108th Anniversary of Muhammadiyah's Year: UMM Pinned a Ribbon of Honor for Health Workers who Fall During the Pandemic

Author : Humas | Wednesday, November 18, 2020 16:11 WIB


Embedding of red and white ribbons by all participants of the 108th anniversary of Muhammadiyah at the UMM White Campus (Photo: Rino / Public Relation)

ACADEMICIANS of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) also celebrated the reception of the 108th Anniversary of the Muhammadiyah Organization, Wednesday (18/11). This celebration was conducted through watching together (nobar)agenda at the 108th MuhammadiyahAnniversary reception which was broadcasted live through the official Muhammadiyah Youtube channel. The Nobar agenda was carried out at the UMM Dome Hall by complying with strict health protocols.


In addition, the UMM White Campus had its own way of celebrating the 108th Anniversary of Muhammadiyah, by embedding Red and White ribbons to all Nobar participants who attended. The use of this ribbon is a symbol of respect for hundreds of health workers (health workers) throughout Indonesia who died during the Covid-19 pandemic.


UMM Rector Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. during the event, he said that Muhammadiyah's 108th Anniversary contained the spirit that all Muhammadiyah cadres had to become a solution or problem solver to the national problem. Especially facing this Covid-19 pandemic.


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Gita Surya Choir UMM who also contributed as a performer for Muhammadiyah's 108th Anniversary (Photo: Rino / Public Relation)


"So, as one of Muhammadiyah's charities in education, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang has an obligation to participate in providing solutions to the national problems," said Fauzan.


He wished, continued Fauzan, is that along with life journey in the future, Muhammadiyah cadres must certainly increase their strategic roles and have wider benefits for the Indonesian. This is as stated in the slogan of the White Campus, "UMM, from Muhammadiyah for the Nation".


On the other hand, in his speech for the 108th anniversary of Muhammadiyah, the General Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Prof. Dr. H. Haedar Nashir, M.Si. stated that Muhammadiyah members must remain enthusiastic in their efforts to advance and solve the nation's problems, however how tough they are.


Haedar emphasized that in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and domestic problems, all Muhammadiyah families, cadres, and leaders are expected to continue to cultivate enthusiasm in the organizational movement to develop and carry out the role of publicity and nationality no matter how difficult the situation is.

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"Open a positive outlook, open broad horizons and be full of optimism. Rest assured, there is the power and secret of God in the midst of any serious problems. The spiritual way for the believers after making an effort is to return matters to Allah, the Most Rahman and the Most Rahim. Faidza 'azamta fatawakal' alallah, "said Haedar.


President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Joko Widodo also attended this agenda virtually. "On behalf of the people, nation and country I congratulate the 108th Anniversary to the Muhammadiyah Organization. Muhammadiyah has been filled with many works and contributions, with sincere and sincere devotion that has become stronger and stronger along the timepassed, "said Joko Widodo in his opening speech.


The UMM Gita Surya Choir also contributed as a performer for Muhammadiyah's 108th Anniversary. The student activity unit in the musical field performed a song composed by the General Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Prof. Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Si. The song, which was arranged by guitarist Sheila On 7 Eross Candra, was used as the official song for the Muhammadiyah Congress. (nain / riz / can)



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