FT UMM Guest Lecture Presents the Director of PT. WIMA Discusses Electric Motors

Author : Humas | Wednesday, August 03, 2022 04:41 WIB
FT UMM held a guest lecture with Irsal Shaleh Matondang, S.E., MM, as Director of Finance and Marketing of PT Wika Industri Manufaktur (WIMA). (Photo: Haqi Public Relation)

It is time for Indonesia to become a pioneer in electric motorcycles. Irsal Shaleh Matondang said this, S.E., MM, as Director of Finance and Marketing of a Limited Liability Company (PT) Wika Industri Manufaktur (WIMA), in a Guest Lecture of the Faculty of Engineering (FT) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). The event raised the theme Product Development and Ecosystem of Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles (KBLBB). This activity was held on Thursday (28/07) at the Theater Dome UMM.

Irsal, as he is familiarly called, explained that Indonesia has good potential as a prospect for electric motorcycle manufacturers in the world. This can be seen from the entry of Indonesia in the world's third rank as the largest motor vehicle user. At least 70-80% of households in Indonesia own a motorcycle. Moreover, the transfer of fuel from gasoline to electricity will use new and renewable technology in the future.

"There are 229 electric car users and 1,947 electric motorcycle users in 2020. This will increase depending on how we can take advantage of existing opportunities," said the man born in Sidoarjo.

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Furthermore, Irsal again explained that P.T. WIMA is currently developing an electric motorcycle called agile. This original Indonesian electric motorcycle is designed with environmentally friendly technology to reduce carbon emissions. In addition, agile development is an effort to support government programs in reducing fossil energy or petroleum use.

"Gesits has several specifications: flood resistant and able to travel long distances. The agile can travel as far as 100 kilometers if the three batteries are full. The agile distribution has spread throughout the provinces of Indonesia. Meanwhile, in the international arena, agile has spread to ten countries, namely Senega, India, the Philippines, and other countries. Our target in 2025 is to produce 2.1 million units. We are also working with the State Electricity Company (PLN) to add electricity stations in each region," said Irsal.

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On the other hand, UMM Chancellor Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd, explained that UMM has a new program called the Center of Excellent (CoE). CoE has a Solar Power Generation (PLTS) class in renewable technology. This program will help students discover their potential without the need to be confused about finding a direction in life.

"This CoE consists of various classes that students and the general public can attend. This program will be an alternative route when students do not find their passion in lectures. It is hoped that students can work and develop according to their hobbies when they graduate," he concluded. (Apg/Haq/Shi)



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