Ministry of Religious Affairs Commission This to PPG Alumnus of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Author : Humas | Monday, February 24, 2020 15:30 WIB

Prof. Dr. Suyitno, M.Ag. on Gelar Graduation and Certificate Submission PPG UMM. (Photo:Rizki/PR)


"From what I see when entering this room what emanates is happiness, of course you have already known the struggles and heavy tasks of the teachers. The Teacher Professional Program (PPG) is one of the instruments in improving teacher quality," stated Prof. Dr. Suyitno, M.Ag. as Director of Madrasah GTK Directorate of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion (Kemenag RI) on his welcoming speech in the Graduation Degree and the submission of PPG certificate of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM).

“I am courageous to say are the teachers who have joined the PPG, then you can gurantee yourself to have reached the excellent?” continued Suyitno. Becoming excellent was a proccess, never ending, never stopping. In short, PPG was just a proccess. Hence in the near future, there would be Sustainable Professional Program (PKB) which covered self development and innovative creation and so on.

“Still, there are my things to do. The long proccess is not only going through by PPG. It becomes one of the refreshing and resting time after doing school activities. Where we get new information enrichment, enrichment of learning and our students need it, new things are needed, "Suyitno continued at the Dome Theater of UMM. Saturday (2/22).

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In the graduation degree and submission of PPG educator certificates, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UMM period 4 came from Mathematics, Biology, Indonesian Studies, English, PPKN, and PGSD Study Programs. With PPG In Position (Daljab) Ministry of Education and Culture with 308 students, consisting of 57 Mathematics Study Programs, 26 Biology students, 67 Indonesian Language students, 91 English Language students, and 67 PGSD Students.

The PPG In Position (Daljab) Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) as many as 108 students namely 28 people from Indonesian Language Education, 25 Citizenship Education, 55 English Language Education and come from 11 provinces, 26 City Regencies. With a total of 416 students, i.e. 105 (25%) Men and 311 (75%) Women.

One of teacher from the Teacher Professional Program (PPG) also shared a story when he joined PPG, "Not only here, for three months we in Labuhan Bajo have to go back and forth to the city to take part in online learning, even I initially don’t not know how using a computer, laptop, and how to set up a projector in class, "said Kamsin S.Pd. Gr one of the participants of UMM PPG Graduation.

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“Yet arriving here, I learn all of them. So that teachers who were initially ordinary now must be more professional, must know what material is conveyed, what theories are conveyed, what indicators will be carried out. There are many benefits that we can at PPG. This shows that the government's concern for education is very high, "continued the man from One Roof Junior Secondary School at Messah Island, Komodo District, West Manggarai Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT).

"To become a teacher, you must be prepared to work smart. Not only preparing lesson plans. Then the introspective work is by endeavoring, praying and trusting. So it doesn't just work carefully. Then you have to work thoroughly. And no less important is sincere work. And must be balanced with hard work. Hopefully, it will bring blessings in the future, "explained Dr. Poncojari Wahyono, M.Pd, Dean of FKIP UMM.

"I try to tabulate the diction used by the Dean, the diction is the ultimate or the peak that we will reach, which is happiness, happiness, sa'adah. To pursue the profession as a teacher, we must interpret happiness because the teacher is an inspiration rather than being a motivator, "explained Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc as Vice Chancellor 1 (WR 1) of UMM.

Because the motivator and inspirator were two different diction, Syamsul continued, because if you became a motivator you had to be smart in composing words, into an inspiring sentence and you had to be smart in reciting interesting words. But as an inspirator, there was no need to see his face, how he looked, but what he did could inspire and asspire.

"Being a teacher is something extraordinary, although the risks are also extraordinary. Because when we become teachers, we must provide our shoulders as a fulcrum for students to see the world, see the horizon. Therefore, our role is to be happy and we must really enjoy the profession, "said Syamsul in his speech. (win)



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