New Breakthrough of FH UMM, CoE of Advocate Assistant School

Author : Humas | Friday, September 16, 2022 07:38 WIB
Chairman of the DPC Peradi Malang, Iwan Kuswardi, S.H., together with the Chancellor of UMM, inaugurated the CoE for the assistant advocate class (Photo: Wildan Public Relations)

The Center of Excellence (CoE) Assistant Advocate of the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FH UMM) is a strategic breakthrough. Especially with the cooperation built with several law offices. This was conveyed by the Chairman of the Branch Board of the Indonesian Advocates Association (DPC Peradi) Malang, Iwan Kuswardi, S.H., in launching the CoE of the Advocate Assistant School last Friday (16/9).

As he is familiarly called, Iwan continued that his party was proud and appreciated the collaboration built by the White Campus. This program has been running since last week, providing material by advocates to students. "The enthusiasm of student friends is very high, and the feedback is also good. Hopefully, this Advocate Assistant CoE can give birth to the nation's next generation, especially those who are struggling in the field of law," he said.

The participants will follow the material directly given by practicing advocates. Armed with that knowledge, it sent them to several law offices to do internships for two semesters. Interestingly, they are also involved in compiling legal documents and handling cases to assist advocates inside and outside the court. After completion, students will be tested by relevant partners and get a passing certification that they can use for course equivalence and proof that their abilities are qualified to compete in the world of work.

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Related to CoE Assistant Advocate, Dean of Faculty of Law UMM, Dr. Tongat, S.H., M. Hum. explained that this breakthrough received a tremendous response when they first established communication. Both are from DPC and DPN Peradi. However, it does have to go through a long process and discussion to get to this point.

"This school also embodies the Merdeka Learning program for the Merdeka Campus and UMM PASTI. White Campus is also always committed to ensuring the graduation of 3.5-4-year-old students, even with the certainty of alumni who are independent and work. Hopefully, we will be able to lead students to become reliable advocates, provide spirit and added value to improve the law in Indonesia," he said.

On the other hand, UMM Chancellor Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd., explained that the presence of 40 CoEs was UMM's effort to answer the challenge of the demographic bonus, which will begin in 2030 and welcome Indonesia's gold in 2045. Moreover, Indonesia is predicted to become the world's fifth most significant economic power. So, one thing it must consider is the quality of human resources (HR) quality.

Unfortunately, Fauzan believes that the education model developed in Indonesia still uses the old styles. He even had time to ask one of the company owners about which college alumni could immediately tune in to the work climate.

"He replied that none of the university graduates could go straight to work. So CoE is here to answer that problem. Now, UMM has also collaborated with the Singhasari Special Economic Zone to develop the Center for Future of Work (CFW) which prepares digitally skilled human resources and can master future work," he concluded. (apg/wil)



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