ABA Kindergarten Teacher as Front Guard of Muhammadiyah's Ideology

Author : Humas | Tuesday, February 18, 2020 14:58 WIB
Dra. Salmah Orbayinah, M. Kes., Apt, during the Opening Speech and Public Lecture on the Strengthening of Muhammadiyah Ideology (Photo: Mirza / PR)

Aisyiyah Central Leadership in collaboration with the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a Public Lecture on the Strengthening of Muhammadiyah Ideology for Principals of Playgroup (KB) – Kindergarten (TK) Aisyiyah Bustanul Atfal (ABA) throughout East Java on Tuesday (18/2) at the Dome UMM Theatre. The event was attended by 350 participants, both school principals and KB-TK ABA teachers throughout East Java.

Dra. Salmah Orbayinah, M. Kes., Apt, the Education Council of Aisyiyah Central Leadership Cadre in his speech said, in the second century, KB-TK ABA had reinforced a vision based on faith, knowledge, and charity to educate a sturdy soul, independent, tolerant, which was based on the Progress of Islamic values.

For this reason, Salmah advised the Principals and Teachers to educate the generation of strong character, noble character, strong Islamic values, love the environment, and become people who loved peace. Therefore, she continued, this program became very important and very strategic when various ideologies emerged and developed.

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"The Principal and Teacher of KB-TK ABA have a role as the vanguard of the ideological bastion of Muhammadiyah in the community especially for children who will be the generation, successor and pioneer of the struggle of Aisyiyah and Muhammadiyah. So, all parties should understand what is the ideology of Muhammadiyah, "said Salmah.

Also in his remarks, Dr. Nazaruddin Malik, M.Si., Vice-Rector II of UMM said that according to him the essence of ideology upholding in Muhammadiyah was actually an effort to continuously develop and hone the intuition of diversity.

"This is the main base of the Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah movements. Carrying Islam as a religion that enlightens the entire universe and brings to light the victory, happiness, life that excites, "said Nazar.

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He continued, the practice of Surat Al-Maun as the basis of Muhammadiyah's ideology actually became the spirit to move sincerely, heartfelt worship by serving the institutions and business charities, such as UMM and TK ABA.

"Ideology is something inherent in our subconscious because it needs to be sharpened to become a provision for ourselves to continue to take part in Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah as pillars of the progress of the Republic of Indonesia, "Nazar said. (win)



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