Due to UMM's Vocational Program, Ika Successfully Pursued Her Career in the Land of Sakura

Author : Humas | Monday, December 19, 2022 07:34 WIB
Ika Wahyu Purwaningsih, our alumna from the diploma of the vocational program in nursing studies, successfully pursues her career in Japan. (Foto: Istimewa)

Daring to try new things is one of the tips of Ika Wahyu Purwaningsih, our alumna from the diploma of the vocational program in nursing studies. She successfully pursues her nursing career in the Land of the Rising Sun, known as Japan. Now, the woman from Malang has already finished her work contract for three years in the country. 

Ika, her familiar nickname, admits that her preparation to depart to the Land of Sakura was not simple. In reality, she had to prepare several things like a Japanese language proficiency proof and required documents so that she might work there. 

The alumna from the Faculty of Health Science said, “My success in pursuing a career in Japan is inseparable from the support of UMM’s vocational affair through preparation until departure. My friends and I were equipped with Japanese language training for eight months. Then, we were quarantined for three to four months to be equipped with insight related to our job there.”

Working abroad with new cultures and habits encouraged Ika to be strategic in self-adaptation. She admits that to adapt, she had to work hard, especially in the early days of working. However, everything went well as time passed by. 

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One of the different cultures she perceived is the discipline level. There, she had to learn to manage her time and be on time for various things. Currently, the habit has stuck with her, and she even applies it when returning to Indonesia.

She explained, “Besides the high salary, I am interested in participating in this program due to my curiosity in working culture in Japan. I worked as an elderly nurse in a nursing home with 8-hour work. I was off on Saturdays and Sundays, and I used the moment to explore the city.”

Ika could receive a salary of approximately 15 million per month with complete and guaranteed work facilities there. Her accommodation and transportation were even facilitated to be comfortable fulfilling her nurse duty.

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If Ika could choose, she wanted to extend her work contract because Ika obtained miscellaneous conveniences and work experiences there. However, she cannot do that because Ika has family interests she needs to solve, so Ika cannot continue her career there.

Ika is not the only student who was facilitated by the program. In fact, the collaboration program of UMM with a line of Japanese companies facilitated by the vocational program has dispatched many alumni of the vocational programs to pursue a career at an international level. This is also the step of UMM to equip its graduates to be independent individuals with international competence. (imh/fit/wil)



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