UMM Graduates Who Graduated With The Skills of Playing Saxophone

Author : Humas | Sunday, September 24, 2023 06:42 WIB
Arya Andika Alfarizki, a graduates with a musical talent from the Department of International Relations IRI) (Photo: Lintang PR)

One of the most interesting graduates at the graduation ceremony of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was Arya Andika Alfarizki. He is a graduate with a background in music from the International Relations (IR) department. He graduated in September and mastered various musical instruments, such as drums and saxophone.

Arya, his nickname, said he fell in love with music as a child and started playing instruments in high school. He began participating in music extracurriculars. At first, he learned to play drums and began to play various musical instruments and sing. Finally, he felt confident to learn the saxophone. 

"Luckily, during college, I was also allowed to work in labs such as performing in various events at the Dome and others. I also gained various soft skills, personal branding, and building relationships with external parties," he said.

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Eventually, Arya also often performed at off-campus events on his own and with his band. He also mentioned that through playing the saxophone, he had accompanied Pamungkas when he performed in Malang. His performance videos have also appeared on television several times. 

"As a result of the experience that I've got, me and my friends formed a band called Golden Sky," he said.

He said that Golden Sky was created because Arya and his three friends often performed at various events and in cafes. This led to the idea of creating a group together. "We changed the name of our group several times until we finally settled on Golden Sky," he said.

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The graduate, who is originally from Malang, also had a dream to work in the area of his major. Therefore, he also participated in the Center of Excellence (CoE) provided by the UMM White Campus. In CoE, he majored in IR, which allowed him to do a professional internship at the Immigration office for the social media controlling section. 

"At the internship office, I gained a lot of material and direct practice related to the international relations field. Moreover, by holding the social media controlling division, I learned much about content charts," he added.

Arya hopes that his music skills can continue to grow until someday he can be recognized throughout Indonesia. "Dreams certainly exist. I hope that I can continue to develop my skills and be able to play on big stages," he concluded. (Ri/Wil/Put)



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