Wani Sabu Invites UMM Students to Anticipate Cyber Crime

Author : Humas | Thursday, January 13, 2022 03:34 WIB
Wani Sabu in presenting material in guest lectures (Photo: Haqi)

The increasing variety of digital features in the pandemic era makes it easier for people to carry out all forms of activity. But besides convenience, digital features also bring a new threat, namely cybercrime. The Executive Vice President of the BCA Digital Service Center, Wani Sabu, conveyed this at the Cyber ​​Crime Awareness guest lecture at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). The event was held on Saturday (12/01) and was held offline at the BCA GKB 4 UMM Hall and broadcast online through the Ummtube Youtube channel.

Wani said that most cyber-crime cases were in the banking sector. It happened because as many as 99.5% of bank customers used online service features in various transactions during the pandemic. Cases that often occur are customer fraud during buying and selling goods through digital platforms. One of the fraud models is to create fake shop accounts.

"This online store uses other more credible store names, buys followers on social media, and also provides massive discounts. These things will provoke people to buy and transfer some money. Then the seller will run away without sending the goods to the buyer," explained Wani.

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If a customer has experienced such fraud, Wani recommends reporting it to the bank immediately and delaying the transaction. Suppose the money has not been withdrawn from the bank. In that case, the bank still has a chance to return the funds that have been transferred." In case, the sooner the customer becomes aware of the fraud, the more likely it is that the money that has been transferred can be withdrawn," said the woman from Jambi.

Another case that often occurs is the theft of personal data. The eldest of four children said that many fraudsters used other people's data to create bank accounts. It makes it more difficult for banks and the police to catch fraud perpetrators.

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"Indonesian people still don't understand the importance of protecting personal data. Therefore, I urge the public not to provide personal data or create bank accounts for other people. The public is also expected not to give ATM pins or One-Time-Password (OTP) codes to just anyone," Wani explained.

On the other hand, UMM Vice-Rector II Dr. Nazaruddin Malik, SE., M.Sc., said that the pandemic had changed our habits in activities. Everything that used to be done offline must move online, likewise, with payments and financial services. "With this guest lecture, I hope that students can understand the threats that will occur behind online transactions and can better deal with this digitalization process," he said. (cdr/wil)



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