UMM Vocational Departs Fresh Graduates to Japan and Kuwait

Author : Humas | Saturday, February 12, 2022 02:03 WIB
Some MSME participants who will work abroad, Kuwait and Japan. (Photo: Haqi Humas)
In improving the quality and capability of graduates, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) seeks to open opportunities for students and alumni to study and work abroad. This time, UMM Vocational School sent ten graduates to Japan and Kuwait through training programs and job placements for alumni. The departure was carried out at the Rectorate Building on Saturday (05/02).
Lilis Setyowati, M.Sc. as a White Campus Nursing lecturer, explained that one of the goals of this program is to build a good image for vocational graduates. In addition, it is also an effort to develop skills and increase experience working abroad. According to him, related experiences can open new minds and insights related to nursing.
"This training and job placement program in Japan and Kuwait is also able to open the minds of vocational graduates that there are still many jobs outside Indonesia and are ready to be conquered," said Lilis.
On the same occasion, Dr. Tulus Winarsunu, M.Si, as the Director of the Directorate of Vocational Education and Training, revealed that this program started from the collaboration between UMM Vocational Schools and foreign institutions and companies. Two of them are good relations with Indomobil from Japan and Royal Hayat from Kuwait. In addition, his party has also engaged companies in sending documentation. This is necessary to expedite the required documents to the destination country.
Furthermore, Tulus explained that it was not only UMM students and graduates who had the opportunity to take part in this program. The UMM General Hospital (RSU) employees were also allowed abroad. That way, said Tulus, they can learn many skills and knowledge that they have never had before.
"Especially for those who go to Japan, there will be Japanese language training for six months. Meanwhile, those who go to the Middle East do not have to undergo language training. This time, ten UMM Vocational graduates were successful and ready to go. Eight people will go to Japan, and two others will go to Kuwait," he explained.
Meanwhile, one of the graduates who will go to Japan, Ismail Mahasba A.Md. Kep. I feel happy to pass and follow the related program successfully. Ismail, his nickname, said that he had to convince himself and his parents that he could go to work in Japan. Moreover, this is his first experience going outside Indonesia.
"Of course, I hope that programs like this can continue so that my juniors can experience it and work abroad. Maybe it can be developed again so that the destination countries can increase, the quality and quantity of recipients can also continue to be improved," he concluded. (apg/haq/wil)


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