UMM-IPM Gives Understanding of Digital Literacy to Students

Author : Humas | Tuesday, July 05, 2022 08:24 WIB
Vice Rector III of UMM Dr. Nur Subeki gave a speech at the digital literacy understanding event (Photo: Haqi PR UMM)

Digital literacy and being a successful activist must be one of the goals of today's youth. It was conveyed by the Special Staff for Public Communication of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Arya Sinulingga at the National Coffee Ground (Kopdarnas) Media at the end of last June. This event is a collaboration between the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) with the Media and Communication Institute for the Central Leadership of the Muhammadiyah Student Association (PP IPM).

Furthermore, Arya said that to become successful activists; young people must be good at time management. Likewise, with efforts to continue to share knowledge. "At the very least, if you can't make your parents proud, at least don't worry about them. But I'm sure my friends here have potential that can be developed so that they can make both of them proud," he said.

On the other hand, UMM Vice Rector III Dr. Nur Subeki explained that there are three provisions that students must have. The first is being able to anticipate uncertainty, especially in this fast-changing era like now. Second, being able to lead starts with oneself. Then the last one is trust in colleagues who can later be invited to collaborate.

"If these three aspects can be owned and implemented properly, I am sure that Indonesia will not lack a capable next generation," he said.

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Regarding the media, Eki, his nickname, said that young people should be able to play the media. Otherwise, the press will erode and defeat the new generation. According to him, you will gain public trust when you can use the media well.

Meanwhile, Nasir Efendi, the General Chair of PP IPM, said that all Muhammadiyah students have the opportunity to work in digital media. Muhammadiyah cadres must be militant and always try to win the Muhammadiyah narrative in the digital aspect. Accompanied by the consistency of positive buzzers and inspiring influencers.

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"Friends here have the same opportunity to contribute to digital media. Congratulations for uniting, joining together to establish ukhuwah in the 2022 Kopdarnas," he said.

The event lasted three days and was attended by dozens of participants from 13 provinces. Not only material but the participants were also invited to develop media strategies. A series of presenters were presented to provide an understanding of the media plan, personal and organizational branding, and data analysts. (cdr/haq/wil)



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