Success Tips from Our Student to Gain Double Funding Scholarships

Author : Humas | Thursday, November 24, 2022 05:49 WIB
Laily Khairunnisa, one of the participants of the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM) program at UMM. (Foto Istimewa)

Laily Khairunnisa, one of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang students, can join two exchange programs. The Faculty of Economy and Business (FEB) student is successfully accepted in the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (Translated: MBKM) program. It allows her to study at the University of Sriwijaya, Palembang. Interestingly, she also follows a student exchange program at Asia University, Taiwan.

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She said, "The MBKM program in Unsri drives me to go to Palembang, so I can feel the atmosphere to study on the campus. Meanwhile, in Asia University, I attend a virtual exchange enabling me to study online with students from diverse cultural backgrounds and to be taught by its respective lecturers."

Aside from learning, the lecturers also equip her with Taiwan's culture and history, encouraging her to be zestful in studying. The same thing also applies at the University of Sriwijaya, where she must follow the archipelago module created by the MBKM program organiser. With the obligation of learning culture, language, dance, craft, and so on, she obtained new perspectives. 

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The student from West Nusa Tenggara revealed some tips to be accepted into the exchange program at Asia University. In her view, the primary things to be prepared are document completeness and active participation while lectures. Therefore, lecturers can know her performance, so they recommend her to a relatable program.

Being energetic in organisations and lecturers also plays a vital role in passing the MBKM programs. She said that with preparation ahead of time before the registration, we would not be in a hurry. Mainly, the selection of the Independent Learning-Independent Campus program is competitive. She explained that she competed with 32.000 students who registered in the MBKM programs. With the number, there will be only 12.000 students accepted around the archipelago, including herself.

Besides utilising opportunities creatively, Nisa perceives that the University of Muhammadiyah Malang is one reason for being accepted in both programs. The White Campus primarily supports its students to study outside, either nationally or internationally. Hence, she feels grateful for considering the University of Muhammadiyah Malang as her alma mater.

Honestly, it was not her first time managing her schedule. In reality, she must think strategically related to her time management because some timetables in both universities clash. Nisa must negotiate with the Unsri lecturers and communicate with the teaching team at Asia University simultaneously. "Alhamdulillah, so far, I can manage everything. My acceptance in both MBKM programs will hopefully give me new experiences, networking, and life lessons which I can share with my friends later.", she said.

She expressed that we should not waste the 4-year lecture. In addition to understanding lecture materials well, we should participate in many activities like the Student Executive Body (Translated: BEM). Nisa told her story that she often attended programs created by the body and won competitions. It allowed her to engage in more events.

Nisa asserted, "My active participation in the Student Executive Body greatly benefits me. Due to that, one of my lecturers suggest me to enrol in the virtual exchange in Taiwan. Then, I believe that the small things can impact me in the following days, so never underestimate small things." (imh/dev/wil)



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