Increase Interest in Studying in the United States, UMM-EducationUSA Holds USA University Exhibition

Author : Humas | Tuesday, October 25, 2022 02:45 WIB
USA education exhibition held at UMM Dome. (Photo: Syifa PR UMM)

Continuing to study abroad is a dream for some Indonesians, even with the effort to learn in the United States. Currently, 7500 Indonesian students are continuing their studies in Uncle Sam's country. Seeing the enthusiasm of the Indonesian people, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) and EducationUSA held a 2022 Graduate Fair on Thursday (20/10) at the UMM Dome. This event also provides various booths to be visited to learn how to study in the United States.

One of the presenters, Patrick Moore, explained that before choosing a university, students must determine the primary purpose of why they are taking further studies abroad. After that, students can match the university with the scholarship program. Moreover, seeing the different provisions in each scholarship and destination university.

"You have to set goals, whether you want to increase your knowledge, become a professional, or want to contribute to Indonesia through these advanced courses. The goals of the registrants will affect the programs that will be taken in the future. The desire to study offline in the USA or online in Indonesia can also affect the program that will be taken," said the Assistant Director of the Graduate Recruitment Office of the University of Colorado Boulder.

Furthermore, Patrick, as he is familiarly called, also explained that the choice of a place to study is not only based on the university but also on the majors to be taken. There are also differences regarding the selection of masters and doctoral courses. For the master's program, the main focus of learning is mastering the field. While the doctoral does not only focus on the area but also in-depth research.

"One more tip that students can do is equate their research with the destination department. This will affect the student admission process in the dream department," said Patrick.

On the other hand, Mary K. Treehock said that this activity was the fourth event resulting from collaboration between UMM and EducationUSA. Especially this time, EducationUSA focuses on discussing the lecture process in the USA. The holding of this exhibition also aims to accommodate student curiosity about the Full Bright scholarship and the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP). Several USA universities are members of this program, such as Arizona State University, Indiana University Bloomington, Michigan State University, Northeastern University, and others.

"Representatives from USA universities and various scholarships will speak at the seminar forum. In addition, we also set up booths for students who want to ask further questions about the registration process. We hope that more students will continue their studies in the USA. Currently, there are 7500 Indonesian students in the USA, and we are targeting that by 2025 this number can be doubled," said the Assistant Cultural Attache EducationUSA.

Meanwhile, one of the visitors, Nanik, said he got a lot of knowledge and insight about scholarships abroad. He also gained knowledge about various universities in America.

"I am interested in continuing my studies abroad. So, I immediately registered and attended here. Hopefully, in the future, there will be more seminar programs and university introductions like this so that many people know how and what preparations to make," said the student majoring in English. (cdr/syi/wil)



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