Fond of Consuming Spicy Food? These Are Its Harmful Effects and the Ways to Overcome It, Shared by A UMM Lecturer

Author : Humas | Tuesday, February 28, 2023 07:19 WIB
A Nursing Science Lecturer of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. (Foto: Istimewa)

Many Indonesian people like spicy food, especially millennials and gen Z. An opinion has even arisen that food will taste less if there is no chili sauce. Now, there are many prepared spicy foods in various ways, both containing elements of chili or pepper to the substance capsaicin, which also gives off a spicy taste.

This phenomenon garnered the attention of Henik Tri Rahayu, S.Kep. Ns. MS. Ph.D as a Nursing Lecturer at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). She explained that eating spicy food or chili actually has advantages and disadvantages. But, if consumed in excess, it will harm the body.

If consumed at the right dose, chili has anti-inflammatory benefits and is one of the highest sources of vitamin C. Unfortunately the benefits of chili cannot be received by all humans due to the differences in spicy eating habits.

"There are many examples of modern spicy food that we often encounter, for example macaroni with various levels. If the spicy substance from this food enters the digestive tract in excess, then of course it can damage the digestion itself," said Henik.

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Furthermore, if a person's stomach is not used to eating spicy food, irritation will occur which begins with symptoms of diarrhea. Then if the irritation continues and is excessive, it will cause ulcers or sores on the stomach wall. Sometimes, it even causes nausea and vomiting.

"The capsaicin substance in spicy food will remain in the stomach, even though the food has gone to other organs of the body. So, if this substance continues to accumulate, it is possible that it can damage digestion, "she asserted.

Henik also gave several ways to reduce the habit of consuming spicy food. One of them is by replacing processed spicy foods with fresh chilies. She explained that fresh chilies are spicier than dried chilies so that the body will feel fast enough and not continuously eat it.  

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"Meanwhile, if you feel excessive spiciness, the most effective way to relieve it is by drinking warm drinks. This is because the heat must also be fought with heat. Warm water is considered to neutralize faster than cold drinks, even if it has been added with sugar or flavor," she said.

She also advised to reduce consumption of spicy food. Especially now that these foods have been prepared in various ways whose mixtures are unknown and unclear. "Immediately reduce the habit of eating spicy food in order to maintain the health of our bodies," she concluded. (imh/nia/wil)



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