The Secretary General of ASEAN Presents in the UMM Graduation Ceremony

Author : Humas | Thursday, December 08, 2022 09:33 WIB
Dato Lim Jock Hoi as the Secretary General of ASEAN gave lectures for UMM graduates (Photo : Rino PR UMM)

Data from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) shows that in 2020, 34% of the ASEAN population will be youth. This is expected to increase, and in 2038 ASEAN can achieve the highest score for the number of productive young people. This was conveyed by H.E. Dato Lim Jock Hoi as Secretary General of ASEAN in front of thousands of UMM graduates on 8 November 2022.

Furthermore, he invited UMM graduates to start a new life dynamically and with high determination. Because it is essential to continue peace and development in their respective regions, especially now that ASEAN claims it will become ASEAN Youth this year.

“ASEAN has recognized the role of young people in building the ASEAN community. As stated in the ASEAN work plan for youth for 2021-2025, which focuses on developing platforms, opportunities, and initiatives that enable them to participate in building society," he explained.

He also encouraged young people to attend various priority programs such as education, health, and welfare. He said he wanted to allow young people to participate and be involved in efforts to raise awareness of ASEAN values and identity.

“This step is significant for youth to realize that they are significant stakeholders in building the ASEAN community. Moreover, we are transforming into a digital society that increases connectivity between communities and contributes to achieving the 2030 agenda, namely the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations," he stressed.

On the same occasion, Prof. Dr. H. Edy Suandi Hamid, M.Ec., Deputy Chairperson of the PP Muhammadiyah Research and Development Higher Education Council, conveyed self-confidence. Especially after graduating from the White Campus. Moreover, UMM has an international reputation and is an icon of higher education in Indonesia.

"UMM has given birth to two ministers from campus leaders. This shows that people lead UMM with a high reputation. So you don't need to worry because your university meets above-average standards," he said.

He also reminded the graduates to show their best competence in the outside world. Because while at UMM, they have been given academic competence and Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan character competencies that can support them in the future.

"I have led several higher education associations in Indonesia and have not seen other campuses with programs like the Center of Excellence (CoE). For me, UMM has prepared its best graduates to enter the world of work. So it would be best if you were grateful to be a campus graduate who cares about that," he explained.

In line with Edy, Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd as the Chancellor of UMM, advised that there should not be a formula of self-doubt. UMM graduates have the characteristics of never complaining about facing community problems and always have an optimistic spirit.

"Because UMM does not only produce experts in their fields of science but also leads all students to have leadership qualities. This soul is what you need to be present in the community," he concluded. (cdr/ros/wil)



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