Sandiaga Uno Says Thank You for CoE UMM

Author : Humas | Thursday, October 27, 2022 02:55 WIB
Rektor UMM Fauzan saat bertemu dengan Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno dalam peresmian Singhasari Animation and Film Factory. (Foto: Syifa Humas)

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno said that the world in the future needs advanced human resources (HR). One of the things he appreciated was the efforts of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) through the Center of Excellence (CoE) and the Center for Future of Work (CFW). He conveyed this when he inaugurated the Singhasari Animation and Film Factory in the Singhasari Special Economic Zone (SEZ) on Tuesday, October 25, 2022.

Sandiaga, as he is known, knew that UMM was committed from the start to support Indonesia in gold in 2045. It was proven through a series of exciting programs, namely CoE and CFW. He considered the two programs very strategic. Mainly to produce quality human resources to meet a future full of technological innovation.

"I support the CoE and CFW programs from UMM. In my opinion, this is a strategic commitment to fill our jobs in the future. Because future work must be proven. Thank you for UMM's support in this aspect," he said.

On the same occasion, David Santoso, CEO of SEZ Singhasari, appreciated UMM White Campus's willingness to collaborate. For him, UMM has helped a lot through CoE, which can produce quality ecosystems.

"In 2024, we will focus on education. Several overseas educational institutions have collaborated, and we plan to build them soon. Our party will continue to coordinate with UMM because UMM is indeed a play for SEZ Singhasari in the field of education," he added.

Furthermore, he admitted that since 2018 he had many discussions with the Chancellor of UMM, Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. Especially regarding the technology ecosystem. Especially considering that a technology center cannot stand alone if it does not have a future-oriented educational unit.

"I am grateful because UMM captured and had the same vision so that they could collaborate with SEZ. Coupled with the support of the central government, which agrees to create a breakthrough in the field of education, "said David.

Meanwhile, Fauzan, as the Chancellor of UMM, said that White Campus wanted to make the SEZ in the education sector a place to provide solutions to human resource problems. According to him, education is an instrument to develop and use technology, especially if you remember that today's students will become future leaders.

"So, the CoE and CFW programs developed by UMM are not regular education. But it becomes a model program for training education. Human resources in Indonesia are not only diploma-based but also non-diploma-based ones," said the Rector from Kediri.

Also attending the inauguration ceremony of Singhasari Animation and Film Factory was the Deputy Governor of East Java, Emil Dardak, and Jonathan Alan, as representatives of the American Consulate General in Surabaya and Australian Consulate-General Representative, Fiona Hoggart. (cdr/ros/wil)



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