UMM Hospital Needs Volunteers to Handle Covid-19

Author : Humas | Wednesday, March 25, 2020 06:45 WIB
UMM Hospital Opens COVID-19 Volunteer Recruitment (PHOTO: Special)

Since Friday (20/3) last week, Malang Raya was established by East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa as the Red Zone of Covid-19 distribution. Some hospitals that were used as referral hospitals for Covid-19 cases began to be overwhelmed. Including those experienced by the General Hospital of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (RSU UMM).

To anticipate this, UMM General Hospital opened a space for volunteers to help. "Later, they will be placed in the media center, creative team, making hand sanitizers, making hand washing soap, administration, consulting, logistics and much more," said Dr. Thontowi Djauhari, M. Kes., Coordinator of the 19th UMM Covid Response Team, Monday (3/23) afternoon.

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After being netted, they will first be trained in basic Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), knowledge of Covid-19 and adapted to their respective expertise. This open recruitment is for active UMM students, either male or female. "The prototype, they will be on duty for two weeks and will rest for one week," said Thontowi via WhatsApp.

Previously, UMM had also opened Covid-19 call center services. This service makes it easy for the general public to find out developments and information about Covid-19. "The Covid-19 Call Center of UMM General Hospital has two information channels, namely the Call Center and Message Sending, both via WhatsApp and via regular cell phones," Thontowi said.

In addition to providing a Call Center, UMM General Hospital also provides early detection of Covid-19 online through the domain address website Since its launch on March 18, 2020, early detection of Covid-19 online has been accessed nearly 500,000 times (update March 23, 2020). This online early detection can be utilized by the general public and the results will be known immediately.

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You as a user just need to answer a few questions and the results of the answers will be analyzed online to guess the status included in the category: healthy/free Covid-19, ODP (Insider Monitoring) or PDP (Patient Under Supervision). "If you are in the ODP or PDP category, don't panic. Confirm first to Covid-19 Call Center," Thontowi said.

Besides, through the Counseling Guidance Technical Services Unit (UPT BK), UMM also provides free services to people who have excessive anxiety due to Covid-19. If usually the service is done in person or person. Counseling is given online by utilizing various existing social media platforms. (apg)



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