RBC UMM reviews of Malik Fadjar Thoughts and Exemplary

Author : Humas | Thursday, April 28, 2022 07:55 WIB
Tadarus Thoughts of A. Malik Fadjar by RBC UMM Regarding the Importance of Literacy (Photo: Special)

Like fuel in a vehicle, that is the importance of literacy in forming a humanist, peaceful, and flexible paradigm. This is the main idea that emerged in A. Malik Fadjar's Tadarus Thoughts organized by the Smart Reading House (RBC) at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, last Wednesday (20/4).

Opening the discussion, Dr. Nazaruddin Malik, M.Si as the Vice-Chancellor II of UMM explained the thoughts of Malik Fadjar, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2001-2004 departed from a strong imagination about books and libraries. Malik's life has always been close to books. In fact, on many occasions, Malik's closeness to various kinds of references has made him one of the leading thinkers who have a vision far beyond the times.

According to Nazar, what Malik has done regarding libraries is increasingly relevant these days. Call it the phenomenon of the fading of the literacy spirit of the community which results in the trap of hoaxes and extremism. Of course, the library as a place for literacy is an alternative locus to realize the birth of flexible and polite humanist thoughts. Nor is it confusing and extreme.

Therefore, A. Malik Fadjar's Tadarus of Islamic Thought, which was attended by participants from various regions in East Java, was intended to explore the sparks of Pak Malik's thoughts. The main thing is thinking that always contains freshness and exemplary that concludes with one keyword, namely literacy.

As an education figure who has served as Minister of Education, Malik Fadjar also always produces breakthroughs that are not only fresh but also humanist. This was conveyed by Vice-Chancellor I of the White Campus, Prof. Syamsul Arifin. According to him, Malik always presents ideas that focus on the future.

"Pak Malik is an inspiring teacher and living curriculum whose ideas are not only transformative but far more futuristic, future-oriented," he said.

Furthermore, the strength of Malik's idea is far from being futuristic, although its transformative aspects are also visible. In this case, Pak Malik's struggle for literacy and activism has encouraged the birth of new ideas, especially in the world of education. This can be seen in how Mr. Malik was able to develop UMM into one of the best private universities in Indonesia.

The same thing was also conveyed by Pradana Boy ZTF, Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Islamic Religion UMM.
The spark of Malik's Islamic thought can be seen through three main axes, namely Islam as a science, an open and proportional understanding of Islam, and Islam that goes beyond formalism.

The thought of Islam as a science that was inspired by Kuntowijoyo was certainly motivated by the power of Malik's reading passion which was then incorporated into contextual ideas. The most tangible manifestation of this enthusiasm can be seen in Malik's efforts to introduce the discourse of building 'scientific and Islamic knowledge' when he served as rector of the White Campus and the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

In Malik's thought, Islam does not only rely on matters that revolve around worship alone but also inspires the development of civilization. In this case, Malik Malik tried to bring Islam beyond the barriers of formalism. "For example, when Pak Malik talks about Arabism, there is a kind of bias between Islam and Arabism," explained Boy. (wil)


Author: Hassanalwildan Ahmad Zain | Editor: Hassanalwildan Ahmad Zain



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