UMM Informatics Engineering Department Got A Accreditation, Preparing to welcome the International Accreditation 2020

Author : Humas | Thursday, November 14, 2019 13:36 WIB
Team of Assessors and Academic Community of  Informatics Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering UMM (Photo: Special)

Informatics Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhamadiyah Malang (UMM) got an A (very good) accreditation after previously only getting a B rating (good) in 2014. This announcement was released by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) on 6 November 2019.

There were at least seven standards of evaluation aspects from the Higher Education National Accreditation Board (BAN-PT), which were related to the vision and mission, governance, student affairs, human resources (HR) of employees, lecturers and students, curriculum and infrastructure. Therefore, the Informatics Engineering Department made a task force team.

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Besides that, to facilitate the process of visitation related to the classification, verification, validation of data and assessor assessment information from BAN-PT, the Informatics Engineering Department had created an Accreditation Management Information System (SIM-Accreditation), where data related to various aspects of the accreditation assessment could be accessed by the assessor team.

To make the assessment process takes place maximally, they also carried out simulations. "Simulation is done as closely as possible with the assessment process of assessing visitation. The goal is to make our preparation data better, "said Gita Indah Marthasari, S.T., M.Kom, The chair of the Informatics Engineering Department of UMM.

Now, the Informatics Engineering Department was at the stage of achieving national competitiveness. "The target that we want to reach is how we internationalize, which means that human resources such as lecturers, employees and students must also be internationalized," said Gita, Tuesday (12/11).

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Having 1500 students in Informatics Engineering Department, Gita had hopes for all of her students to graduate on time and work in their respective fields of expertise. The Informatics Engineering Department had four concentration profiles, namely game developers, data scientists, software engineering and network administrators.

In 2020, the Informatics Engineering Department would follow international accreditation from the Indonesia Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE) which was an independent accreditation, established as part of the Indonesian Engineers Association and assisted by the Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education. (win)



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