The UMM Nurse Profession Become the Number 1 of East Java Competency Test

Author : Humas | Monday, January 06, 2020 15:05 WIB
Faqih Ruhyanudin, M. Kep., Sp. Kep.MB. (right) achieve the awarding certificate. (Photo: Special)

For the second time, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Nurse Profession Department achieve an awarding certificate as the number 1 in East Java Region on the Indonesian Nurse Competency Test (UKNI). The award achieved from the Indonesian Nurse Education Institution Association (AIPNI) East Java Region, Friday (3/1). Since 2017, UMM Nurse Profession Department always sitting on the big 3 seats of the East Java Nurse Competency Test.

"This success is by the supports of cooperation of various parties. Starting from the head of the faculty, then the department, nursing lecturers and clinical instructors from the Hospital who have guided students during the Nurse Profession practice," said Nur Aini, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep as Secretary of the Nurse Profession Department at UMM. This success was because ofthe perfect preparation, one of which was through the holding of a tryout.

As an internal tryout for 6-8 times online consisting of 180 questions. The try out was adjusted to the competency of UKNI questions, and also held a question discussion activity which was guided directly by the Nursing Lecturer for 1 week. In addition to an internal tryout organized by the Department, students are also required to attend the National Try Out organized directly by AIPNI.

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In implementing the practice, UMM Nurse Profession Department sent its students to hospitals that were accredited A, B, and C. So, the studied cases by the students are various. While the questions that were tested in UKNI were cases of illness obtained during learning at the hospital. "Practicing questions frequently will increase our understanding," Nur Aini said.

After achieving the first place in the East Java Regional in the Nurse Competency Test, Nurse Profession Department will not stop there. This Department will keep on making preparations such as internal tryouts and discussion activities in accordance with the existing standards. As for the final phase of the Nurse profession practice, a final exam will be using a Computer Based Test (CBT) scheme. (joh)



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