MoU of FISIP UMM-Magetan Regency Government to Develop Community Potential

Author : Humas | Saturday, February 12, 2022 01:56 WIB
Magetan Regent Dr. Drs. Suprawoto, S.H., M.Sc. which motivates the new students of FISIP UMM. (Photo: Yafi PR UMM)

To expand the area to spread benefits, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Magetan Regency Government. Present directly, the Regent of Magetan, Dr. Drs. Suprawoto, S.H., M.Sc., and UMM Rector Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. Signed the agreement. Also accompanied by the Vice-Rector IV for Cooperation, Dr. Sidik Sunaryo, M.Sc. M. Hum. and the Dean of FISIP UMM Prof. Dr. Muslim, M.Si. last Saturday (5/2).

After signing the MoU, in his speech, UMM Chancellor Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd hoped that the collaboration between the White Campus through FISIP UMM and Magetan Regency could provide the best benefits for both parties. It was spreading benefits to those in need while helping to advance the nation. One that might be tried is the Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH).

"Students at the White Campus who focus on renewable energy also have a database of any areas that allow PLTMH to be built. And perhaps, Magetan could be one of the locations to develop this renewable energy. Likewise, with the development of biogas that we have carried out and its derivatives used as fertilizer. Especially considering the potential of Magetan, which has many cattle breeders," he added.

In addition to signing the MoU, Suprawoto also had the opportunity to provide motivation and materials for new students on Student Day, entitled Formation and Strengthening of Student Idealism through Scientific Writing.

Kang Woto, his nickname, explained that students as iron stock and agents of change must be at the forefront of the change agenda. According to Suprawoto, three things could cause this change. Among them are ideas, technology, and the last is interaction. "The ideas we put into writing will make a difference. Writing can monopolize the truth, even able to monopolize history. Just imagine if no one wrote, then history never existed. How miserable a nation will be if no one wants to write," he emphasized.

Furthermore, Suprawoto also explained that nine ways could form a strong self-character in students. It starts with respecting yourself, knowing and controlling yourself, and having an attitude of wanting to keep learning. Then there is discipline and commitment are some things that can be done. The idealism of students will be stronger if they get used to writing. "Especially the effort to write scientific papers, yes. By getting into the habit of writing, 85% of the nine ways to shape one's character can be fulfilled at once," said the regent, who has released seven books.

Suprawoto also conveyed some tips on managing time so that you can stay productive even when you are busy. He appealed to students not to wait for the mood to write. Writing, according to him, should be forced and placed on the sidelines of our activities. He recounted, even on the way on the train, he could write. Especially with the support of increasingly sophisticated technology as it is today.

Furthermore, to gather inspiration to write, several things must be fulfilled. One of the most important is reading books. Suprawoto also had time to tell about his madness in books. "If farmers find pleasure in hoeing in the fields, for me, life feels good when surrounded by books. Reading is the best healing that can calm me down," he said.

He admitted that since the 80s, he had allocated a particular budget to buy books. Before working, he was committed to getting into the habit of buying books when he got his salary. Once, because of his love for books, he could buy 300 titles at once in a month. "There are no mistakes when we read a lot of books. From books, we can learn from other people's experiences, learn from other people's knowledge," he added. (cdr/wil)



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