At the Closing of Pesmaba UMM, Chief of Menko PMK Engcouraged the Freshmen To Be A High Achiever

Author : Humas | Monday, September 27, 2021 10:23 WIB
One of the unique appearances of UKM Sangsekerta UMM in the closing of Pesmaba 2021(Photo: Yafi Humas)
The closing of the Introduction to New Student Studies (Pesmaba) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was also filled with attractive performances on Saturday (25/9). This event was attended by the Chairman of the Daily Governing Body (BPH) of UMM as well as the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK), Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy M.A.P. 
The closing of Pesmaba began with various highlights of new student activities, followed by a creative dance by members of UKM Sangsekerta UMM. The enthusiasm of the new students is also shown through interesting attractions. In fact, the hashtag UMMCampus had become a trending topic on Twitter.
On that occasion, the Chancellor of UMM congratulated the new students who have completed the Pesmaba procession well. He wants students to become students who are counted on through various activities. Moreover, he promises that UMM had prepared various facilities and ecosystems according to the students' passion. These efforts are in order to form a spirit of achievement and produce graduates who are beneficial to their family, religion, homeland, and nation.
Meanwhile, Muhadjir said that new students should be proud. This is because UMM is one of the biggest universities. Not only seen from the number of students and the size of the building, but also the outstanding academic reputation.
"Make UMM White Campus the home of your two brothers. Spend time on campus often discussing with friends, reading books, and being active in organizations. Don't forget to always consult with the lecturers. achieve the expected goals," Muhadjir hoped at the end. (wil)


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