UMM Students Win Top Model Ambassador for East Java Campus 2022

Author : Humas | Thursday, March 10, 2022 07:55 WIB
Faqih has successfully become a top model ambassador in 2022. (Photo: Istimewah)

Another proud achievement was achieved by students of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Most recently, Muhammad Ainur Faqih, a student majoring in Civil Engineering, succeeded in obtaining the Top Model title in selecting the 2022 East Java Campus Ambassador. Faqih got this achievement as she is familiarly called, in the final competition held at the end of last February.

Faqih's journey to the East Java Campus Ambassador competition has gone through a long process. There are several stages of selection that Faqih must go through to get to the final. The first stage is filing and catwalk. The second stage is the advocacy task, in which the participants must present their contribution to the community. The last is the final competition, with an assessment of the participant's thoughts about the independent campus program.

"In the early stages, I had to compete with more than 300 students who registered. From the initial selection, 30 pairs of sons and daughters were selected who would undergo the quarantine process for the next stage. Entering the semi-finals, the participants were re-selected into 15 pairs of sons and daughters to advance to the finals. In the final, thank God, I managed to occupy the top five positions and earned the top model title," explained the student from Sumenep.

Regarding the achievements he got, Faqih admitted that his main goal in participating in selecting ambassadors was not to win. His main goal is to hone public speaking, which he learned at the Malang MC school. The selection of this ambassador also adds to the relationship and opens his insight into the culture of other campuses.

"Being a champion is not my goal, but I am very grateful to have reached this stage and achieved this achievement. I thank those who have supported me, especially the UMM campus, for supporting my needs during the quarantine period," said Faqih.

The last child of two siblings also used this opportunity to introduce the Direction of Traces organization he had started. Located in Sumenep and Malang, this organization is engaged in education, social and cultural fields. "Our goal is to improve children's education in these two areas, provide social assistance, and introduce Malang and Sumenep culture to the outside. I hope this organization can provide good benefits for the surrounding community," he concluded. (cdr/syi/wil)



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