UMM IKOM Students Win the National Documentary Film Festival

Author : Humas | Friday, February 25, 2022 04:25 WIB
Farhan exhibited his films and the team that won the documentary film competition. (Photo: Istimewah)

Another achievement was achieved by students of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). This time, three students of the Communication Studies Study Program who were members of the documentary film team won second place. What achieved this achievement at the Documentary Festival held by Budi Luhur University, Jakarta, last Sunday (20/2).

Muhammad Hudan Nur Ibad (director), Farhan Rifqi Zain (Director of Photography), and Ilham Aditya (Editor) are the three names who scored this achievement. They formed a group named Alecta Pictures to complete the Final Project to pass the Bachelor of Communication at UMM. Under the guidance of lecturer Nasrullah, these three students successfully passed after who tested their work last month.

Uniquely, the student's work is a documentary film about the life journey and idealism of Malang city artist Kadir Sugiarto, an alumnus of Communications UMM. Kadir has a stage name as Ugik Arbanat. The title "Ugik Arbanat Friction for Indonesian Children" tells how Ugik responds to people's concerns about who has started to abandon children's songs.

The film tells how Ugik continues to train children in music with his idealism. Tirelessly, he wandered from school to school, from community to community. He also created songs with national nuances that matched the children's rhythm. The song Indonesia, for example, describes how Indonesian children love the natural beauty and culture of this archipelago.

Farhan said he was happy that his film was in the best category. Since entering the top ten, he and his friends asked the supervisor his movie was included in the festival and was nominated. "We are not targeting a champion. The important thing is that our film can inspire and introduce a great artist like Cak Ugik to the national scene," said Farhan.

The production process for this documentary has encountered various obstacles. Several times the shooting and editing had to be repeated because the supervisor asked to adjust to the storyline that had been made. "The spirit of the film which lies in Ugik's idealism must be highlighted. That's what makes it difficult for us to translate our supervisor's advice," admitted Hudan.

As a mentor, Nasrullah also admitted that he motivates his students to complete the work they have prepared immediately. "I know Ugik because he is a classmate from college. He is iconic, distinctive, and very romantic. It's a shame if it was filmed carelessly," said the head of the UMM Communication Study Program.
So, apart from guiding, Nasrullah also felt emotionally involved in the success of this film. He made various efforts, including involving the supervisor and examiner of film practitioners Arfan Adhi Prasetyo. "This is a monumental work, so it must be good. Students must live their creative process seriously so that later when they work, this experience will continue to stick and make them proud," he said.

The Final Project is indeed a choice for UMM Communication students besides Thesis. Making Documentary Films is an option for students who mainly choose the Audio Visual Communication specialization. However, Journalism and Public Relations enthusiasts can also take this Final Project.

Students can choose how to graduate according to their passion. In addition to Documentary Films, students can also create other works, both creative projects, and client-based. Such as online media management, special events, innovative business plans, including scientific articles that are translucent to accredited journals. (apg/wil)



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