Holding a Written Computer-Based Examination, UMM Prepared Golf Cars and Duck Boats for the Guardians of New Prospective Students

Author : Humas | Thursday, May 04, 2023 06:33 WIB
The enthusiasm of new prospective students of UMM in trying the golf car of UMM. (Photo by Faqih PR of UMM)

The University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) conducted its first batch of written computer-based examinations for the Faculty of Medicine and the Department of Pharmacy. Based on the data from Student Admission Affairs, the total number of new prospective students for the two majors in this batch reached more than a thousand participants. These written computer-based tests are going to last from May 4 until 6. 

There's something attractive in this examination of UMM. While waiting for their children to do the test, parents and guardians could try the golf car of UMM to stroll around the White Campus — the alias of UMM. They could see UMM's buildings, facilities, fields, and many other things. The visitors even had a chance to use the duck boats of UMM, which recently went viral on social media.

Regarding the examination, the Director of the Student Admission Affairs of UMM, Nurudin, said that 18 rooms were set up for this selection. The exam processes were divided into two shifts: morning and noon, followed by new prospective students from Sabang to Merauke. 

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"The implementation of the written CBT has been ongoing since 4 years ago. It's done to anticipate other forms of cheating during the exam. In each room, there are also supervisors and technicians to assist participants if having issues with the computer," he explained. 

Nurudin also added that the exam committee used a metal detector to comprehensively inspect this exam, which could serve to find mini electronic devices that the participants possibly brought. Then, it could minimize cheating. Besides, the police also helped UMM ensure the exam's safety. 

Lastly, Nurudin expects the selection of new students to run smoothly and safely because the prospective students will become essential in medicine and pharmacy. "From the available data, the number of participants is similar to the previous year's; God willing, it can increase in the next batch. We certainly hope that the selected new students will be excellent human resources for the future," said UMM's Director of Student Admission Affairs.

On the other hand, one of the written computer-based test participants for the Faculty of Medicine, Nauroh Nur Azziyati Siswoyo, feels optimistic that she can pass the selection process for the White Campus admission. "Alhamdulillah, I could do well because I had studied diligently. God willing, about 70% of the questions can be answered", said Ziya.

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Ziya chose the School of Medicine of UMM since aspiring to be a doctor like her parents. Additionally, being a doctor is a noble occupation because it can enable people to interact directly with the community, educate society in the health field, and treat various diseases.

"I feel that UMM is superb. Its facilities are well-equipped and adequate. Its accreditation and achievements also continue to grow. God willing, my future career prospective can also be warranted," the woman from Kediri ended. (imh/zak/wil)



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