UMM CoE Welding Inspector Commitment to Create Competent Graduates

Author : Humas | Saturday, February 12, 2022 01:53 WIB
Students observing the welding inspection process. (Photo: Syifa/ PR UMM)

Create students to become welding inspectors; the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) formed a class program for the Center of Excellence (CoE) welding inspector. This program has collaborated with several Industries and the World of Work (Iduka), PT Spindo, PT Barata Indonesia, PT PAL, Lloyd's Register Asia, and PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA).

Head of Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Iis Siti Aisyah, ST., MT. P.hD. said that this program was held to provide real job skills for students directly from the Iduka. That way, they don't only dwell on theory but also participate in field practicum with companies.

"In the coming semester, we will form a new system with a block system for three months. So companies and the world of work get a share to give lectures and teach students. As for each course, we will provide three practicums covering three things. They are welding practicum, welding inspection Destructive Test (DT), and inspection welding Non-Destructive Test (NDT). Then at the end of the program, we will also conduct a competency test of the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) so that the abilities of the participants can be widely recognized," added the Mechanical Engineering Study Program lecturer.

Furthermore, Iis explained that this program is the only welding inspection training in Malang City. Therefore, the Mechanical Engineering Study Program opens classes for UMM students and other campus students and even invites various groups in the community. Especially those who have an interest in related fields.

"Job opportunities in the welding inspection field are excellent because many industries require experts in this field. In addition, compared to other training in East Java, UMM'sUMM's CoE welding inspection program has many specifications for steel testing methods because it involves many Iduka in it," said the lecturer from Solo.

At the end of the interview, Iis hopes that this program will provide skills and bring students closer to the world of work and increase labor absorption in the welding inspection field. "I also really want this class to develop and become a welding inspection certification body itself. She concluded that giving birth to competent graduates who are ready to become independent individuals," she concluded. (cdr/syi/wil)



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